>> Study Group 11 : Signalling requirements and protocols
Question 7/11 � Signalling and control requirements and protocols to support attachment in NGN environments
(Continuation of part of Question 6/11 of 2001-2004)
- Motivation
During the 2000-2004 Study Period, ITU-T has conducted studies on signalling requirements for service interworking of both �dialup Internet access� and �voice, data and multimedia communications over IP-based networks�. Next Generation Networks will involve a wider range of access techniques to IP-based networks, each of which having specific procedures to support usage of network services. Such procedures, often referred to as �network attachment�, will involve user identification and authentication, per-session allocation of IP addresses and terminal configuration, network access authorization checking and other functions. These procedures will have to be designed to take into account mobility management requirements of NGNs. Protocols such as PPP, DHCP, RADIUS and DIAMETER are already being deployed in pre-NGN networks for supporting parts of the network attachment signalling and control requirements.
Recommendations in force: None
- Question
Study items to be considered include, but are not limited to:
- What new Recommendations are required to specify signalling and control requirements and protocols for supporting attachment procedures to a network?
- What associated mechanisms are required with attachment signalling and control to assure security?
- What functional architecture and entities are required to support services and/or applications of public interest such as emergency call handling, lawful interception, number portability, etc.?
- Tasks
Tasks include, but are not limited to:
- Development of control and signalling requirements and protocols to support attachment procedures to a network.
- Relationships
Questions: Qs 1, 2, 3 and 5/11; Q 6/13.
Study Groups:
ITU-T Study Group(s) responsible for NGN architecture
ITU-T Study Group(s) responsible for multimedia services & applications
ITU-T Study Group(s) responsible for security aspects
ITU-T Study Group(s) responsible for mobility aspects
Standardisation bodies, fora and consortia:
Organizations such as: IETF (AAA, DHC, PPPEXT, PANA�) Regional SDOs dealing with NGN.
1 The word �service� in this context is not meant necessarily to represent an ITU-T-defined Service.