>> Study Group 11 : Signalling requirements and protocols
Question 6/ 11 � Assistance in preparation of a handbook on the deployment of packet based networks
- Motivation
- Protocols for migration to packet-based networks are evolving. Development of protocols in parallel by various international standardization bodies has lead to the emergence of different protocols such as BICC, H.323, and SIP.
- A handbook is needed to assist ITU-T members in the deployment of packet-based networks to support PSTN/ISDN services. This handbook requires inputs and close collaboration between ITU-T- and ITU-D sectors. This Question shall coordinate the activities across the ITU-T sector.
- Cooperation with external bodies outside of the ITU, in particular the SDOs, is required to gather any relevant information from these organizations and avoid duplication of effort
Recommendations in force: None
- Question
Study items to be considered include, but are not limited to:
- What coordination and preparation is needed by the ITU-T sector to prepare a single handbook by the ITU-T and ITU-D sectors, containing different aspects related to technical matters
- What associated mechanisms are required with session signalling and control to assure security?
- What functional architecture and entities are required to support services and/or applications of public interest such as emergency call handling, lawful interception, number portability, etc.?
- Tasks
Tasks include, but are not limited to:
- Identification of network interconnection scenarios.
- Coordinate ITU-T sector inputs to a handbook produced in cooperation with the ITU-D sector, that would contain the following:
- Assistance with identifying appropriate protocols consistent with the existing and new service requirements of telecom administrations/operators, for migration from circuit switched networks to packet based networks in the evolutionary phase towards NGN;
- The extent of interoperability for services possible between networks employing different protocols; and
- Generic guidelines covering aspects of testing.
This shall include any technical aspects as prepared by the relevant Study Groups.
- Prepare the technical inputs to the handbook, on the signaling requirements and protocol aspects of packet-based networks to support PSTN/ISDN services.
- Relationships
Recommendations: As required
Questions: All/11
Study Groups:
ITU-T Study Group(s) responsible for operational aspects of service provisioning and network performance aspects
ITU-T Study Group(s) responsible for TMN aspects
ITU-T Study Group(s) responsible for principles, requirements, frameworks and architectures for an overall heterogeneous network environment
ITU-T Study Group(s) responsible for multimedia architecture aspects
ITU-T Study Group(s) responsible for data networks and telecommunication software aspects
ITU-D Study Group 2
Standardisation bodies, fora and consortia:
Organizations such as: ASTAP (Asia-Pacific Telecommunity Standardization Program), CITEL, ETSI and IETF.
1 The word �service� in this context is not meant necessarily to represent an ITU-T-defined Service. |