>> Study Group 11 : Signalling requirements and protocols
Question 5/11 � Resource control and signalling requirements and protocols
(Continuation of parts of Questions 8/11, 9/11 and 11/11 of 2001-2004)
- Motivation
Separation between transport and services is one of the essential characteristics of Next Generation Networks (NGN). This requires new types of signalling and control interactions between these layers to enable, e.g., session servers and application servers to control transport resources and associated QoS, in real time. During the 2000-2004 Study Period, ITU-T SG11 has developed a Recommendation for a �Call and Bearer Control interface,� in the context of the BICC architecture. It is expected that similar requirements may emerge in the context of Next Generation Networks and may call for similar protocol solutions. Moreover, the control of border gateways between packet-based networks is expected to also require similar protocol solutions.
Recommendations in force: None
- Question
Study items to be considered include, but are not limited to:
- What new Recommendations are required to specify transport resource control architecture in NGNs?
- What new Recommendations are required to specify signalling requirements and protocols for controlling border gateways at networks boundaries in NGNs?
- What new Recommendations are required to specify signalling and control requirements and protocols for supporting interactions of applications and session control functions with resource control functions in NGNs?
- What new Recommendations are required to specify signalling and control requirements and protocols for supporting interactions among resource control entities?
- What enhancements to existing Recommendations and what new Recommendations are required to specify signalling requirements and protocols for controlling media gateways (access gateways, residential gateways, trunking gateways�) in NGNs?
- What new Recommendations are required to specify signalling requirements and protocols for controlling specialized resources (audio servers, conference bridges�) in NGNs?
- What associated mechanisms are required to assure security of resource control and signalling?
- What functional architecture and entities are required to support services and/or applications of public interest such as emergency call handling, lawful interception, number portability, etc.?
- What new Recommendations are required to specify signalling requirements and protocols for support the signalling of Quality of Service (QoS) information?
- Tasks
Tasks include, but are not limited to:
- Development of signalling requirements and protocols for controlling gates at networks boundaries in NGNs;
- Development of signalling and control requirements and protocols for supporting interactions of applications and session control functions with resource control functions in NGNs;
- Development of signalling requirements and protocols for controlling media gateways in NGNs;
- Development of signalling requirements and protocols for controlling specialised resources in NGNs;
- Development of signalling requirements and protocols for interaction among resource control domains; and
- Joint development of specifications of interfaces to adjacent layers with relevant Questions groups.
- Relationships
Recommendations: H.248, Q.1950,Y.1541,Y.1221
Questions: Qs 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7/11; Qs 4/13 and 1/13
Study Groups:
ITU-T Study Group(s) responsible for transport technologies
ITU-T Study Group(s) responsible for multimedia aspects
ITU-T Study Group(s) responsible for security aspects
ITU-T Study Group(s) responsible for NGN architecture
Standardisation bodies, fora and consortia:
Organizations such as: 3GPP (via ETSI), 3GPP2 (via TIA), IETF and regional SDOs dealing with NGN.
1 The word �service� in this context is not meant necessarily to represent an ITU-T-defined Service.