>> Study Group 11 : Signalling requirements and protocols
Question 2/11 � Application control and signalling requirements and protocols
(Continuation of parts of Questions 1/11, 9/11, 11/11 and 12/11 of 2001-2004)
- Motivation
The Next Generation Networks (NGN) expression is commonly used to refer to the emerging public network infrastructures based on packet switching and routing technologies, on increasingly distributed control functional architectures, and on the use of evolving and new signalling protocols to control in particular in user sessions, identification, authentication, resource allocations and QoS, the traffic (policing, enforcement), services and applications, between various entities (e.g. media gateways, call/session servers, resource control, service control, services and application platforms ) involved in NGN architectures. An objective of the NGN is to support in a secure fashion, fixed and nomadic users with a wide range of services, from legacy telephony and Intelligent Services to new generation services, encompassing audio, data, video broadcast and conversational services, streaming services, interactive games, including multicast.
As ITU-T has led and continues to lead the development of the PSTN/ISDN, packet-based public networks and services signalling requirements, it is believed that ITU-T is the most suitable body to develop the application signalling requirements for emerging NGN architectures.
Recommendations in force: Q.12x8 series
- Question
Study items to be considered include, but are not limited to:
What are the application signalling and protocol requirements for the control of services in NGN architectures, at interfaces identified by Q 1/11 as requiring standardization? Specifically:
- What are, among existing appropriate standards, the candidate service protocol solutions for NGN architectures,
- What signalling protocols and profiles (if any) need to be defined for the use of such existing service protocols particularly between networks (end-to-end),
- What additional service protocol elements or new service protocols (if any) need to be developed
What associated mechanisms are required to assure security of application signalling and control?
What functional architecture and entities are required to support services and/or applications of public interest such as emergency call handling, lawful interception, number portability, etc.?
- Tasks
Tasks include, but are not limited to:
Define the requirements for application (service control) protocols between relevant NGN functional entities for the interfaces identified in the NGN generic control functional architecture.
For the development of application service signalling requirements, Session (or call) modelling may be identified as being needed for interaction with Services and Application (including content delivery) platforms or servers.
Provide a specification of the application (services control) protocol for each interface identified in Q1/11. These protocol definitions will be in the form of references when existing specifications are applied.
- Determine the service signalling requirements to support new value added services intended to emulate or replace existing intelligent services.
- Determine the service signalling requirements to support new value added services taking into consideration the following:
- NGN service requirements (Recommendation Y.NGN-SRQ developed by SG13)
- Multimedia service requirements developed by ITU-T
- Network control functional architecture developed by ITU-T
- Security requirements consistent with the security framework developed by ITU-T taking into consideration as appropriate, the service creation tools and solutions developed by other expert bodies (e.g. OASIS, W3C, etc.)
- Technology specific requirements resulting from using different service creation tools, e.g. APIs, Web Services, etc.
- The concept of nomadic users
- Determine signalling requirements and protocol elements to resolve interactions between services.
- Joint development of specifications of interfaces to adjacent layers (session) with relevant Questions groups.
- Relationships
Recommendations: as required
Questions: Qs 1, 3, 4, 5, 7/11
Study Groups:
ITU-T Study Group(s) responsible for voice and video IP application over cable television networks
ITU-T Study Group(s) responsible for TMN aspects
ITU-T Study Group(s) responsible for principles, requirements, frameworks and architectures for an overall heterogeneous network environment
ITU-T Study Group(s) responsible for multimedia architecture aspects
ITU-T Study Group(s) responsible for IMT2000 and beyond
Standardisation bodies, fora and consortia:
Organizations such as: 3GPP (via ETSI), 3GPP2 (via TIA), ASTAP (Asia-Pacific Telecommunity Standardization Program), ATIS (Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions), ATM Forum, DSL Forum, ETSI, IETF, and MSF.
1 The word �service� in this context is not meant necessarily to represent an ITU-T-defined Service.