>> Study Group 11 : Signalling requirements and protocols
Question 1/11 - Network signalling and control functional architectures in emerging NGN environments
(Continuation of part of Questions 1/11 and 7/11 of 2001-2004)
- Motivation
- The desire to support services within networks using IP technology has resulted in a number of architectural solutions being worked on in numerous standardization bodies and fora;
- These solutions are either specific to a particular type of access network or are limited to a particular category of services (e.g. voice over IP or conversational services), or do not provide sufficient details on the control plane;
- A standardized architectural model for a control plane that is independent of, yet takes account of, various access mechanisms (e.g. various forms of DSL, mobility air interfaces, traditional local loop technologies, etc.) is needed.
- A standard reference model for the NGN control plane is required to identify a set of physical interfaces for which interoperability between networks and between equipments from different suppliers is required;
- Fixed/mobile core network convergence is an important objective for NGN because it complements the �access independence� requirements.
- ITU-T has led and continues to lead the development of the PSTN/ISDN and Packet-based public networks, including services and control protocols. ITU-T is the most suitable body to develop the signalling requirements for NGN architectures;
Note � In this context the notion of control plane should be understood as the set of functionalities required to control network attachment procedures (including mobility management and authentication), session establishment and release, bearer resources (including Quality of Service control), to interact with services and applications and to interact with legacy networks.
Recommendations in force: Q.12x4 and Q.12x5 series
- Question
Study items to be considered include, but are not limited to:
- Functional architecture that is required to model the control plane of Next Generation Networks, taking into account multimedia services (conversational and non-conversational) and all types of wire-line and wireless public access networks over which these services may be delivered?
- What associated functional architecture and entities are required with session signalling and control to assure security?
- What functional architecture and entities are required to support services and/or applications of public interest such as emergency call handling, lawful interception, number portability, etc.?
- Tasks
Tasks include but are not limited to:
- Determine the requirements that the generic, access technology independent functional NGN architecture is intended to support. It is anticipated that these requirements will need to be periodically refined to reflecting the evolution of telecom and computer communication technologies similar to those reflected in ITU-T Rec. Q.1702 and ITU-R Rec. M.1645.
- Study the functional architectures available from other SDOs, in particular those developed by the 3GPPs and referred to as IMS. The assessment is to include identification of missing or superfluous components and capabilities, and form the basis for making a decision on whether one of the identified functional architectures forms a suitable basis for NGN, or whether a completely new architecture needs to be developed.
- Depending on the decision coming from Objective 2, this Objective will either:
- identify modifications and enhancements to the selected existing functional architecture that will enable that architecture to meet the requirements of the NGN functional architecture, and share with the forum that generated that architecture the extensions necessary to enhance it to meet the needs of NGN; or
- specify a new architecture that meets the identified requirements.
- Identify a set of physical interfaces for which interoperability between different network equipment is desirable and for which detailed signalling requirements need to be studied and control protocols be standardized.
- Study the application of this generic functional control architecture to a range of wire-line, optical and wireless access network technologies e.g. DSL, PON, W-CDMA, etc.
- Security requirements in support of the overall security framework.
- Interworking with legacy systems.
- Relationships
Recommendations: Y.NGN-XXX
Qs 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7/11;
Qs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10/13;
Qs B, C, D, G, H, and 3/16
Study Groups:
ITU-T study group(s) responsible for Voice and video IP application over cable television networks
ITU-T study group(s) responsible for Principles, Requirements, Frameworks and Architectures for an Overall Heterogeneous Network Environment ITU-T study group(s) responsible for Multimedia Architecture
ITU-T study group(s) responsible for IMT2000 and Beyond
ITU-T study group(s) responsible for security framework
Standardisation bodies, fora and consortia:
Organizations such as: 3GPP (via ETSI) and 3GPP2 (via TIA), ASTAP (Asia-Pacific Telecommunity
Standardization Program), ATIS (Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions), ATM Forum, DSL Forum, ETSI,
1 The word �service� in this context is not meant necessarily to represent an ITU-T-defined Service.