Workshop on Home Networking and Home Services
17-18 June 2004, Tokyo, Japan
Home Networking is moving beyond linking PCs in the home, to the linking of
all sorts of electronic devices. As well as the more obvious applications
of entertainment and telecommunications, research and development engineers
are looking at the integration of home-automation systems, telemetry services
and even health monitoring systems into home networks. And, as more consumers
seek to link home appliances such as TVs, PCs and even refrigerators,
industry has seen calls to produce more standards in the area.
ITU-T�s Workshop on Home Networking and Home Services, 17-18 June 2004,
Tokyo, will provide an overview of this technology as well as an examination
of standards that address interworking, performance, QoS and security issues.
The workshop aims to provide a review of existing technology in order to
identify future trends and to move forward standardization work. Attention
will be given to both the technology and service aspects of this new technology.
For more information, please see the Workshop on Home Networking and Home Services main
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