Question 8/5 - Home Networks
(New Question)
The introduction of high-speed data services has led to growth in the development of technologies for the exchange of data within the home and small business environment. This is leading to the emergence of a number of different wireless (examples include Radio LAN and DECT) and wireline technologies (examples include LAN as well as technologies designed to exploit existing telephone extension and power distribution wiring) to interconnect a variety of in-home electronic and electrical equipment (such as TV, PC and other household devices).
These techniques introduce a new family of EMC issues.
No Recommendations, in force at the time of approval of this Question, fall under its responsibility.
This Question will study the EMC, resistibility and safety issues related to the home network.
Study items to be considered include, but are not limited to:
- Characterisation of the Electromagnetic (EM) environment created by the close proximity and use of:
- different items of household electrical and electronic equipment (such as TV, VCR, DVD, Refrigerator, Dishwasher, microwave, CD Hi-Fi, Satellite Set-top Box etc.),
- technologies designed to re-use existing metallic infrastructure, including:
- Power distribution cabling (i.e. in house-PLC (Power Line Communication) systems)
- Telephony extension wiring.
- Radio LAN systems,
- xDSL systems over internal telephony grade wiring,
- LAN (Local Area Network) technologies;
- EMC requirements for telecommunications Equipment to be located within this environment.
- Mitigation methods to problems arising from this EM environment.
- Etc.
Tasks include, but are not limited to:
- One or more new recommendations detailing appropriate EMC, resistibility and safety requirements for home network systems.
Recommendations: K-series
- Questions: 1, 2 and 16/5
- Study Groups ITU-T SGs 9 and 16
- Standardization bodies: CENELEC, CISPR/I, ETSI AT