Question 9/4 - Management interface methodology and infrastructure
management information models
(Continuation of revised Question 12/4 and part of Question 17/4
- Motivation
The essence of TMN standardization is in the specification of management functionality and associated management information for TMN interfaces. The ultimate goal of these specifications is to describe the five functional areas covering configuration, fault, performance, security, and accounting management of all telecommunication network capabilities from the perspective of the TMN logical layered architecture.
The TMN methodology defines a unified approach for all work on TMN interface specifications, including requirements capture, analysis and design. Central to the methodology is protocol-neutral
The question is responsible for the definition and maintenance of the TMN methodology (Recommendation M.3020) and the frameworks specifying the use of management technologies in TMN including OSI management, CORBA and XML (Recommendations X.700, X.701, X.702, X.720 Series, Recommendation X.780).
The question is further responsible for the generic information models (Recommendations M.3100, G.850 Series). The question is responsible for both the protocol independent version and the protocol dependent versions of these generic information models (e.g. Recommendation M.3120 is the CORBA/IDL version of Recommendation M.3100)
With the advent of next generation networks combining the circuit-switched and IP-based services, the infrastructure management information models have to be addressed to understand the required enhancements.
This Question is responsible for the maintenance of Recommendations M.3100, M.3101, M.3120, G.850 Series, X.700, X.701, X.702, X.720 Series and X.780.
- Question
Study items to be considered include, but are not limited to:
- What enhancements are needed for the Unified TMN Requirements Analysis and Design (UTRAD) methodology, defined in Recommendation
M.3020? What additional frameworks are needed for timely support of new management technologies?
- What additional generic information definitions are needed to support new management requirements?
- What protocol-neutral generic information models are required to support further development of TMN interfaces?
- What infrastructure management information is required for specification of service level information models supporting management activities over the Q, X, and F interfaces?
- What interoperability specifications in support of management information/model specifications are needed?
- What modifications and extensions to management information/models in existing Recommendations are required to support integrated networks and services including IP?
- What information models are required to support the security services and mechanisms to secure the TMN?
- What information models and security services and mechanisms are required in support of customer control (i.e. ordering, fault management and billing) of services?
- What protocol/neutral protocol/specific information model is needed to support the X interface requirements Recommendations?
- Tasks
Task include, but are not limited to:
- Guidelines on use of UML for UTRAD analysis 2004+
- Guidelines on use of UML for UTRAD protocol-neutral information modelling 2004+
- Guidelines on use of UML for UTRAD protocol-specific information modelling 2004+
- Guidelines on UTRAD requirements capture and description 2005
- Development of additional frameworks to support new management technologies 2005+
- Revision of Recommendation M.3100 (CMIP version) 2004
- Development of a protocol-neutral version of M.3100 2005+
- Enhancements to Recommendation M.3100 to support new management requirements 2004+
- Enhancements to Recommendation M.3100 and G.850 Series to support new transmission technologies 2004+
- Enhancements to the generic information models to support next generation networks 2004+
- Enhancements to the generic information models to support information exchange between TMN domains 2004+
- Maintenance of Recommendations M.3100, M.3101, M.3120, G.850 Series, X.700, X.701, X.702, X.720 Series and X.780 2004+
- Protocol neutral and protocol specific information models to support Recommendations M.3341
and M.3350 2004+
- Relationships
ITU-T Study Groups: 11, 13, 15 and 17
Other Standardization Bodies:
- TeleManagement Forum
- ATM Forum
- T1
- OMG |