Question 8/4 - Framework for Management of Next Generation Networks, including the convergence of voice, data and multimedia for both wireline and wireless
(Continuation of Question 10/4 (2001-2004): revised text)
- Motivation
Under increasingly complex business situations we are confronted with growing challenges from deregulation, new competition, cost pressures, emerging technologies and a constant requirement to develop and deploy new services to meet customer demands. Next Generation Networks are anticipated to bring about a convergence of voice, data and multimedia for both wireline and wireless as well as increased demand to be able to manage services running over the networks. It is also expected that the necessary inter-working of ISDN, PSTN, Ethernet, IP, ATM,MPLS, Frame Relay and other network technologies not only will necessitate the inter-working of their respective management technologies but would benefit from the convergence of these various network management solutions.
The vision for NGN program is based on the separation of application services from the transport network. IP is considered to be a basis of the ubiquitous end-to-end transport[1] for a global NGN[2].As data traffic grows due to increasing Internet applications telecommunications networks are evolving from digital circuit switched technology to packet switched technologies. The leading packet technologies being deployed are ATM and Internet Protocol (IP), with IP currently providing a common layer 3 infrastructure. This predominance of packet technology as universal transport gives impetus to Voice over IP (VoIP) service with the result that today�s telecommunication network will evolve from its present circuit switched nature to a mixed packet/circuit switched network with an increasing proportion of IP traffic. In addition to VoIP, networks are evolving to carry services over packet-switched networks that have traditionally been carried over circuit switched networks, e.g. multimedia over packet, voice over ATM.
Since conversion from existing telecommunications networks to an NGN is going to occur over a long time with gradual evolution and the two networks will coexist in different ratios in different countries, the network management scenario should accommodate flexible integrated management of networks. This Question is the lead Question on management of NGN as well as network transitioning to NGN and is responsible for the establishment of the overall framework, coordination and
liaison activities.
- Question
Study items to be considered include, but are not limited to:
How do telecommunication management concepts and technologies need to evolve to accommodate the expected evolution of today�s telecommunication network to a mixed network including IP concepts and technologies as well as to
What kinds of Management Recommendations are needed to address?
- Architecture for managing NGNs as well as networks transitioning to NGN
- Management services and functions (FCAPS) for mixed and IP networks?
- Information Models for managing IP networks: NE, Network and Service level?
- Interworking among existing and new technologies introduced to support IP?
- Architecture for managing converged networks
- Architecture for managing NGN Services
- Role of traditional TMN FCAPS relative to TMF concepts of FAB in managing NGN
- Management and control requirements resulting from the application of eTOM to NGN
- NGN Management requirements related to end-to-end services and network connectivity
- Management of services building blocks and layered services in NGN
- Billing and charging management requirement related to NGN services
What new or modified Questions are needed?
What new or modified work activities within existing questions are needed?
What organizational relationships and coordination, both inside and outside the ITU-T, need to be established or
modified to support this new telecommunications management activity?
- Tasks
Tasks include, but are not limited to:
- Work plan for Management evolution for managing NGN - Ongoing
- Deliver Principles for the Management of NGN, (Y.NGN.Management) - 2005
- Identification of existing, relevant work activities inside and outside the ITU-T and
relationship to NGN management - Ongoing
- Maintenance of a cooperative relationship with the IETF and ensuring harmonized management
standards for mixed and IP-based networks as weel as NGNs. [This will include identification of work areas in the IETF for which individual questions within SG-4 should establish liaison at the expert level] - Ongoing
- Provide a forum for a Technology watch that may impact management - Ongoing
- Updates to M.3017 to support the management of networks migrating towards NGN - 2005
- Relationships
- SG 11: responsible for selected aspects of signalling management
- SG 13: Lead ITU-T SG for NGN
- SG 15: responsible for NE management of IP over ATM, SDH, ASON (including management framework) and optical networks.
- SG 16: responsible for multimedia management.
- ETSI: responsible for TISPAN management activity
- 3GPP: responsible for management of 3rd generation wireless networks
- IETF: responsible for IP management standards
- TMF: New work on IP management and eTOM
- SSG: responsible for IMT-2000 and Beyond
- Other regional standards development organizations and other standards impacting organizations, i.e. TTA, TIA, T1M1, TTC, etc.