Reasons for study
A mission of the ITU-T SSG is to facilitate harmonization of
evolving IMT-2000 systems. The SSG should provide a forum for open discussion of
issues related to the global harmonization of IMT-2000 systems, which include
interface and protocol requirements including:
- Service Provisioning
- Mobility Management (covered in Q.2/SSG and input to this Question)
- Session Control (e.g. call control), and
- Bearer Control (e.g. circuit mode, packet mode)
and issues not being addressed by external organizations (e.g., SDOs, etc.)
A major objective of the harmonization of IMT-2000 networks
is the development of common network solutions that can facilitate
cost-effective IMT-2000 network deployments based on the standardized open
interfaces, stimulate the commercial uptake of IMT-2000 services, and foster
global roaming across all evolving IMT-2000 systems.
What is needed for harmonization of evolving IMT-2000 systems?
To provide seamless global roaming for IMT-2000 future
Capability Set services that will include voice, high speed packet data,
multimedia, and IP-based services, what are the network solutions that would
facilitate harmonization of evolving IMT-2000 systems?
Task objectives
Specific task objectives include:
1) Establish co-operative working arrangement with external
organisations (e.g. SDOs, etc.) to ensure that work under this question in
ITU-T does not overlap with external organisations.
Expected Completion: On-going
2) Taking into account work progressing under Questions Q.3/SSG
and Q.4/SSG, identify and study the degree of the harmonisation of existing
IMT-2000 networks and document these in an appropriate manner.
First deliverable: 4Q2001
This task will be repeated regularly as new information
is made available and for as long as there is a need.
3) Based on the output of Questions Q.3/SSG and Q.4/SSG,
identify and study appropriate harmonisation issues of the existing IMT-2000
systems where harmonisation may be desired, and document these in an
appropriate manner.
First deliverable: 2Q2002.
This task will be repeated regularly as new information
is made available and for as long as there is a need.
4) Ensuring consistency with the ongoing work of Question Q.1/SSG,
develop harmonisation proposals for evolving IMT-2000 systems, and document
these in an appropriate manner for consideration by the Partnership Projects
and SDOs as part of their evolution plans. This may include protocol aspects
as deemed appropriate in the areas of:
- Service Provisioning
- Session Control (e.g. call control), and
- Bearer Control (e.g., circuit mode, packet mode)
First deliverable: 4Q2002.
This task will be repeated regularly as new information
is made available and for as long as there is a need.
Relationship to other IMT-2000 standardization activities in ITU-T and ITU-R
- Service descriptions for mobile
services (stage 1) - ITU-T SG 2
- Numbering, identities, and global title
translations for mobile services - ITU-T SG 2
- QoS and network performance (traffic,
transmission, and reliability) - ITU-T SG 2 & SG 12
- Signalling for IP-based services and BICC. -
- IMT-2000 and their evolution - (ITU-R)
- The handbook being produced under Q.5/SSG in
cooperation with ITU-D
- ITU-T SGs 13 and 16, and others as appropriate
Relationship to other standardisation bodies outside ITU