Question O/17 - Requirements Languages |
(continuation of Questions 15/17 and 18/17 studied during 2001-2004)
1. Motivation
There is a need to maintain and evolve the Z.120-Z.129 and Z.150-Z.159 families of languages.
Relevant requirements languages of concern here are Message Sequence Charts (MSC), User Requirements Notation-Goal-oriented Requirements Language (URN-GRL) and User Requirements Notation-Use Case Maps (URN-UCM). These languages fulfil an important role in an early state of analysis and requirements capture, both in the software development process and in towards specifications in standards. It is required to study and evolve requirements languages and notations that are relevant to ITU-T, which include but are not restricted to the languages listed above.
2. Question
What new Recommendations, Supplements or other provisions are required (if any) to define or revise the definitions of new or existing languages, methodologies and frameworks for expressing and managing requirements and to support the analysis
phase ?
3. Tasks
a) MSC: Message Sequence Charts
- Maintain and issue revised MSC-related Recommendations (Z.120, Z.121).
- Contribute to the development of a UML 2.0 profile for MSC (Z.129).
b) URN: User Requirements Notation
- Maintain the URN Recommendation (Z.150) and issue appropriate revisions.
- Progress work on URN - Goal-oriented Requirements Language (Z.151).
- Progress work on URN - Use Case Map Notation (Z.152).
- Progress work on URN - Methodological Approach (Z.153).
- Contribute to the development of a UML 2.0 profile for URN (Z.159)
c) Emerging Requirements Engineering Languages
- Monitor other relevant existing and emerging requirements languages that could be of interest
to the ITU community and take appropriate actions.
- Identify and if needed adopt other relevant requirements languages as ITU-T Recommendations.
4. Relationships
Recommendations: X.68x, X.69x, X.901, X.902, X.903, X.911, X.920, X.931, Z.10x, Z.13x, Z.14x
Questions: M/17, N/17, P/17, Q/17 and R/17
Study Groups: ITU-T SGs 4, 11, 13 and 16
Standardization bodies: ISO/IEC JTC 1; ETSI; OMG
Other bodies SDL Forum Society; ASN.1 Consortium