(continuation of Question 8/17 studied during 2001-2004)
1. Motivation
The emerging multimedia applications require various functions and facilities. The end-to-end multicast functions will be one of the key features of the multimedia applications. Also, it is required to have a capability to manage QoS features for providing enhanced communication services to the end user. Recommendations X.601, X.605, X.606 and X.606.1, which were completed in the 1997-2004 study period, provide end-to-end multicast functions and facilities with a QoS control functions over IP multicast network environments.
Recommendations X.602 and X.603, which were developed in 2001-2004 study period, provide group management facilities and end-to-end relayed multicast framework, which enable to use end-to-end multicast services over unicast IP network environments. The current standardization efforts to develop Recommendations on protocol specifications to provide relayed multicast services need to be continued for accepting various applications requirements such as one-to-many and many-to-many types of group applications. Also, the protocol development works for duplex and N-plex enhanced communications transport protocol (ECTP) with a QoS control facility, which were planned but not completed in this study period need to be continued for completion of ECTP packages. These standardization efforts have been progressing successfully in collaborative manner with ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 for development common standards of both standardization bodies.
Emerging IP multimedia services over wireless network environments require the development of new Recommendations for providing end-to-end multicast services in this area. The new set of Recommendations will provide multicast service mobility as well as end-to-end multicast functions and facilities.
The following major Recommendations, in force or consented at the time of approval of this Question, fall under its responsibility:
X.601, X.602, X.603, X.605, X.606 and X.606.1.
2. Question
Study items to be considered include:
a) What modifications or enhancements to existing Recommendations need to be developed to allow accepting new market
requirements ?
b) What enhancements or new Recommendations need to be developed to allow duplex and N-plex multicast capabilities in
c) What enhancements or new Recommendations need to be developed to provide end-to-end relayed multicast services for one-to-many and many-to-many group
applications ?
d) What enhancements or new Recommendations need to be developed to meet new requirements of wireless
network ?
e) What enhancements or new Recommendations need to be developed to allow end-to-end QoS managing capabilities in multicast
protocols ?
3. Tasks
Tasks include:
- Maintenance and enhancements of existing Recommendations X.601, X.602, X.603, X.605, X.606, X.606.1
for accepting new market requirements (if needed).
- Produce updated or new Recommendations on Duplex multicast transport protocol with QoS
managing facilities.
- Produce updated or new Recommendations on N-plex multicast transport protocol with QoS
managing facilities.
- Produce updated or new Recommendations on end-to-end relayed multicast protocol for simplex group
- Produce updated or new Recommendations on end-to-end relayed multicast protocol for N-plex group
- Produce updated or new Recommendations on end-to-end multicast protocol over wireless network.
- Collaborative work with ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 on multicast related issues including development of common
text standards for both standardization bodies.
- Collaborate with other Study Groups within ITU-T and other organizations, such as Internet Society/IETF,
on architectural, service and protocol issues for end-to-end multicast and
4. Relationships
Recommendations: X.200, X.214, X.224, X.641 and X.642
Questions: B/17, C/17, F/17 and L/17
Study Groups: ITU-T SG 13 on Next generation communication service aspects;
ITU-T SG 16 on Multimedia application aspects
Standardization Bodies: ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 on Multicast and QoS aspects;
IETF on Multicast and QoS aspects