(Renumbered Question approved 30 January 2004 - TSB
Circular 217 )
Background and justification
ITU-T Study Group 16 has created in H.320, H.321, H.322, H.310, H.324 and
H.323 a widely-used set of system specifications. Each is specialized to a
particular network transport, such as N-ISDN, ATM, packet networks, ISO-ethernet,
the GSTN, etc. Increasingly, MM is being used in mobile networks. Substantial
work has been done to create a mobile version of H.324, and mobile annexes to
H.323 are being developed.
Study Items
The goal of this question is to:
1) further develop mobility for H.323 and H.324 as needed;
2) ensure that a possible future terminal in its initial version supports
3) consider protocol support for MM mobility for both user, terminal and
service mobility;
4) coordinate with IMT-2000 to avoid duplication of effort;
5) standardize interfaces between an MM terminal, keyboard and display
when all are connected by some kind of wireless network, and related
protocol support.
It should be noted that it is not a goal of this work to create an
alternative wireless system to IMT-2000, nor to duplicate IETF IP mobility work.
Specific task objectives with expected time-frame of completion
- Input to H.323 mobile Annexes.
- Input to H.FutureTerminal mobile text or annexes.
- Input to H.324 mobile work.
- A recommendation for MM interworking between a terminal, keyboard and
- All framework questions in SG 16 on high rate systems.
- Question 2/16 on H.323.
- Question 1/16 on H.324 mobility.
- IMT-2000 and other wireless groups and consortiums.
- IETF for IP mobility.
- SG 16 on Mediacom 2004 Project.
- 3GPP and related consortia.