(Continuation of Q.13/16)
Background and justification
ITU-T Study Group 16 has created in H.323 a widely-used system of protocols
for MM conferencing and video/Internet telephony over packet networks, including
the Internet and LANs. This work is ongoing, and currently focuses on mobility,
interactions with SIS/IN, and stimulus-based call signalling in H.323 combined
with network control of terminating call services.
Study Items
This question will cover ongoing work in:
1) H.323;
2) H.225.0;
3) H.450.x;
4) H.332.
Other items to be covered include:
- Alignment with goals related to Mediacom 2004, IP, GII.
- Operation of H.323 systems over all kind of physical layers (cable,
xDSL, mobile, etc.).
- Negotiation for optimal transport mechanisms, such as H.223 or H.323
Annex C.
- Operation in the same fashion in both public and private networks.
- Support of Accessibility.
- System robustness.
- Possibility of new multimedia terminal system for all networks.
Specific task objectives with expected time-frame of completion
To be completed.
- All framework questions in SG 16 on high rate systems.
- IETF for Internet matters.
- ATM Forum and SG 11 for ATM QoS.
- SG 16 on Mediacom 2004 Project.
- SG 13 on IP and GII Projects.
- IMTC for interoperability.
- TIPHON on requirements and architecture.
- TIA.
- Audio/Video questions B, C, and D.
- SG 15 for xDSL.