(Continuation of parts of Question 13/12 studied in 1997-2000)
Type of question
Task-oriented, leading to new and revised ITU-T Recommendations.
During the previous Study Periods, several methods for
objectively evaluating non-linear and time-variant processes have been
studied. This led to an agreement on a single method, based on the
Perceptual Speech Quality Measure (PSQM), which is contained in
Recommendation P.861. Recommendation P.861 specifies a measure for
objectively testing voice-band (300 - 3400 Hz) coders under the varying
conditions of transcodings, codec speech input levels, talkers, languages,
and bit rates.
Since Recommendation P.861 was recognized to have certain
limitations in specific areas of application, it was developed an enhanced
version of P.861 by the end of the 1997-2000 Study Period, covering a wider
variety of conditions under which telephones are used and where more robust
and more reliable methods for objectively assessing the speech quality are
needed. The development of this new Recommendation was completed in 2000. It
was determined as ITU-T Recommendations P.862 and will replace P.861 early
in 2001.
Although it could be envisaged that P.862 covers a much
wider range of speech transmission conditions than P.861, it is still
limited to assess the speech quality of end-to-end narrow-band handset
telephony. In the near future, there is envisaged a strong need for
objective quality assessment methods of speech signals in complex
transmission scenarios, particularly in telecommunication systems with
modern transmission technologies and new types of terminals.
Text of the question
Considering the need for objective measures that work in
telecommunication systems with modern transmission technologies and new
types of terminals under a wide variety of conditions:
1) Can P.862 be enhanced to operate under a wider
variety of conditions? Examples include, but are not limited to:
- wideband signals
- talker dependencies
- effects of non-linear processing in echo cancellers
2) How can P.862 be extended to mouth-to-ear
transmission scenarios including modern terminals for mobile and/or
hands-free applications?
3) How can psycho-acoustically based speech quality
assessment methods like P.862 be combined with analytical measurement
methods for specific signal parameters?
4) How can psycho-acoustically based speech quality
assessment methods like P.862 be improved by using additional
information derived from network signalling or transmission protocols?
5) How can users of speech quality assessment methods
like P.862 be guided for correct application and interpretation of the
obtained results?
6) How can psycho-acoustically based speech quality
assessment methods be extended for single-ended objective speech quality
assessment algorithms.
Study items
The main points of study are:
- To extend objective speech quality assessment
algorithms to wideband telephony;
- To develop objective speech quality assessment
algorithms for �talker quality�;
- To develop single-ended objective speech quality
assessment algorithms;
- To improve P.862 according to evolving speech
transmission technologies;
- To apply objective speech quality assessment
algorithms based on psycho-acoustic principles like Recommendation P.862
to mouth-to-ear transmission scenarios, i.e. including modern terminals
for mobile and/or hands-free applications;
- To define methods for assessment of parameters like
�conversational quality�, �double-talk performance� with
non-linear and time-varying behaviour of network components or
- To combine information of both, the speech signal
as well as the data streams (in digital transmission systems) for
adaptive quality/performance control of services, networks and/or
- To provide guidance to inexperienced users of
objective speech quality assessment algorithms in order to prevent
inappropriate use or misinterpretation of results.
Objectives and schedule
It is anticipated that new and/or updated recommendations
will be developed by the end of the study period.
Relationship with other Study Groups
Most of the activities relating to the Question are
likely to be internal to ITU-T Study Group 12 (e.g., SQEG), although close
liaison with ITU-T Study Groups 2, 9, 15, 16, SSG and relevant ITU-R Study
Groups is desirable to ensure that the Recommendations produced under this
Question can be used effectively to study the performance of networks and
terminals, respectively, generated by these bodies. In addition,
coordination with other standardization activities, e.g. in ETSI TC STQ or
ETSI EP TIPHON will ensure that Recommendations developed in this Question
satisfy the user�s needs.