(Enlarged continuation of part of Question 9/12 studied in 1997-2000)
Type of question
Task oriented designed to lead to new ITU-T Recommendation(s).
Traditionally, the analog and digital telephones were interfacing
switched-circuit 64 kbps PCM networks. With the fast growth of IP networks,
terminals directly interfacing packet-switched networks (VoIP) are being
rapidly introduced. Such IP network edge devices may include gateways
specifically designed IP phones, soft phones or other devices connected to
the IP based networks and providing telephony service. Since the IP networks
will be in many cases interworking with the traditional PSTN and private
networks, many of the basic transmission requirements have to be harmonized
with specifications for traditional digital terminals. However, due to the
unique characteristics of the IP networks including packet loss, delay, etc.
new performance specification, as well as appropriate measuring methods,
will have to be developed. Also, the VoIP terminals may use other than 64
kbps PCM (G.711) speech algorithms, as well as may provide traditional
narrow-band (300-3400 Hz) or wide-band telephony (200-7000 Hz).
Preliminary work has been started in the 1997-2000 Study Period under
Question 9/12 resulting in a draft Recommendation P.31x "Voice inside
the data path of VoIP terminals and its methods of measurements".
Text of the question
a) that IP terminals and gateways are being currently introduced;
b) that the packet based speech transmission has unique characteristics
different from the
traditional switched-circuit networks;
c) that IP terminals and gateways may include active echo control;
d) that IP terminals and gateways may include low-bit rate speech
compression algorithms;
e) that IP terminals and gateways may provide narrow band as well as wide
band speech;
f) that IP terminals and gateways may include handset, hands-free or
the following question should be studied:
- What transmission characteristics and measurement methods are needed for
IP terminals and gateways ?
NOTE 1 - The work will take into account already existing standards for
traditional digital telephone sets and new IP speech terminals, e.g.: ITU-T
P.310, P.340, P.342, G.177, TIA/EIA-IS-810, ETSI TR 101 329.
Objectives and schedule
It is anticipated that the study will result in new ITU-T Recommendation(s).
The estimated time frame is one Study Period.
Relationship with other standardization bodies
Relationship will be established with ETSI TYPHON, TIA TR-41 and other
organizations involved in similar work.