(Enlarged continuation of Question 18/12 studied in 1997-2000)
Type of question
Task-oriented leading to a new ITU-T Recommendation and to revision of
Recommendations in the G.100 series.
Still, many of the Recommendations in the G.100-Series are presently
based on configurations where the national part of an international
connection is usually terminated by a single analogue telephone set or by a
digital terminal. Consequently, these Recommendations may not explicitly
consider PABXs (Private Automatic Branch Exchange) or networks like private
ones or the Internet as a possible termination. However, modern private
networks, mainly those of large size and/or using new technologies, will
contribute in a specific, possibly significant amount to the overall
transmission quality.
- Recommendations G.107, G.108 and G.109 - which are based on the
E-model - provide the means for a flexible end-to-end approach to
planning of speech transmission quality, whereas other Recommendations
in the G.100 series still focus on allocation of single parameters to
national or international segments of a connection.
- Recommendation G.175 (09/99) deals with the digital interconnection
of public ISDN/PSTN and private networks. The primary application is to
the overall quality of speech transmission for 3.1 kHz handset
telephony using handsets, independent of all other types of services
(e.g. facsimile and voice-band data) provided by those networks. The
intention is to give guidance for transmission planning purposes, not
only for a given network operator, but also for negotiations between the
involved network operators. For the purpose of this Recommendation, only
call paths between the private network and other networks (private or
public) including telephone sets or other speech terminals are
Consequently, the case of one network providing through-connections
between two of it's interfaces to other networks (when this network is part
of a concatenation of multiple networks) has not been considered up to now.
NOTE 1 - The term "private network" is used here to
cover a wide range of large private networks (several intermeshed PABXs),
serving customers like banks with branch offices, mainly in metropolitan
areas, but also in some cases extending over the whole national geographical
NOTE 2 - The term "public network" is used here for
any network providing transmission and switching functions as well as
features which are available to the general public, not restricted to a
specific user group. In this context, the word "public" does not
imply any relation to the legal status of the network operator.
Text of the question
The main Question is what guidance can be provided in transmission
planning for the interconnection of the public PSTN/ISDN with multiple other
networks (e.g. private networks, Internet) including the cases of multiple
concatenated public networks, based on a flexible allocation of transmission
impairments in contrary to a rigid partitioning of parameter values?
Which transmission impairments are most important in a modern digital
environment and should be considered during planning for calls that are
handled to a great extent by other networks?
Is it possible to define a planning principle which enables the planner
of a network which is part of an interconnection of the public PSTN/ISDN
with multiple other networks (e.g. private networks, Internet) including the
cases of multiple concatenated public networks to perform planning using an
end-to-end consideration via the public ISDN/PSTN, resulting in a value for
the expected speech transmission quality?
Study items
It is proposed that the case of concatenation of multiple networks
involving both the PSTN/ISDN and other networks should be studied.
- What consequences must be taken into account with respect to
multiple operators in the public network area, new services like virtual
private networks, the Internet and new signalling systems?
- Are revisions of ITU-T G-Series Recommendations necessary, to take
care of concatenation of the public PSTN/ISDN with multiple other
networks (e.g. private networks, Internet) including the cases of
multiple concatenated public networks?
Objectives and schedule
- New ITU-T Recommendation giving guidance for transmission planning
using the E-Model in cases of concatenation of the public PSTN/ISDN with
multiple other networks (e.g. private networks, Internet) including the
cases of multiple concatenated public networks.
- Revision of other ITU-T G-Series Recommendations as indicated
- Provide educational support to projects in that area, e.g. ETSI EP TIPHON
Relationship with other activities
- With other ITU-T Recommendations: Under study
- With other ITU-T Study Groups:
SG 2 (Network operation)
SG 11 (Signalling Aspects)
SG 13 (ITU-T I.300-Series of Rec.'s)
SG 15 (System Specification)
SG 16 (Speech coding)
- With other Bodies: ETSI EP TIPHON, ETSI TC STQ