Reasons for the question
ITU-T has completed recommendations on service control involving terminals
operating over IP-based networks. Further work in this area is required to
complete, improve, and maintain the existing recommendations and to improve
working in wide area packed switched networks such as the Internet, including:
- enhancement for use of packed switched network features such as
multicast, bandwidth reservation, congestion detection and avoidance
(including budgeting and allocating resources);
- interaction of user systems with LAN/Internet information services,
such as name and address directory services; and
- call control, management, and quality of service issues in multipoint
and multinetwork operation.
Furthermore, the interworking of gateways between systems on different
network types, e.g. the PSTN and IP-based networks has increased in importance.
An essential component of this interworking is specification of signalling
What new recommendations and additions to existing recommendations are
required to specify signalling requirements for service interworking of both
dialup Internet access and voice, data and multimedia communications over
IP-based networks?
Task objectives
1) Establish requirements for recommendations associated with adaptation of
access and network signalling for use over IP-based networks, which may
identify appropriate IETF-defined RFCs for use in public networks.
Expected completion: 4Q2001.
2) Identify new access signalling interfaces and develop requirements for
needed signalling protocols. This task includes potential enhancement of
existing user-to-network signalling interfaces.
Expected completion: 4Q2002.
3) Identify new network signalling interfaces and develop requirements for
needed signalling protocols. This task includes potential enhancement of
existing network-to-network signalling interfaces.
Expected completion: 4Q2002
The tasks of this question are related to the signalling requirements for
C-plane protocols that support the interoperation of IP-based services with PSTN
terminated devices. Additionally, these tasks are related to signalling
requirements for C-plane protocols that support voice over packet services with
IP-based terminals. The activities leading to successful completion of these
tasks require interactions with IETF working groups, e.g. SIGTRAN and IPTEL.
Study in this area is inter-related with the activities of Question A.
Specification in this area is related to existing signalling specifications in
the ITU-T Q-series and H.32x-series of recommendations. |