Reasons for the question
Convergence of fixed and mobile networks and ultimately migration to
interoperable and harmonised network architectures to provide services
transparently to the users across different access arrangements is becoming an
industry requirement.
As part of the evolutionary process, the support of mobility is being
developing in existing and future fixed networks.
The support of mobility in "IMT2000 and beyond" networks is being
considered by a Special Study Group in the ITU-T.
Close co-operation and collaboration between ITU-T and external SDOs and
forums will be required to ensure that standardisation work is not duplicated in
What new bearer independent signalling application protocols, or enhancements
to existing protocols are needed to support mobility in existing a future fixed
Task objectives
The main tasks are as follows:
1) Examine the signalling protocol requirements produced by the IMT-2000
Special Study Group and the VHE Question 2/11 and identify the mobility
features in the fixed network requiring protocol development.
Expected completion: Ongoing.
2) In collaboration with the appropriate requirements questions, define
any new protocols or enhancements needed for the fixed network to support
the features identified.
Expected completion: Ongoing.
3) Produce the necessary information for Protocol Implementation
Conformance Statements (PICS) with the support of the testing question, if
required. To assist the test generation the extensive usage of formal
description techniques (e.g. SDL, ASN.1) is encouraged.
Expected completion: Ongoing.
NOTE - Task completion dates are in accordance with task requirements.
IMT-2000 standardisation activities in ITU-T
Relationship to other standardisation bodies outside ITU