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Guidelines for the ITU-T SG6 and IEC TC 86 Common Area

Guidelines for the ITU-T SG6 and IEC TC 86 Common Area

1. Purpose of the Common Area

Following the agreement reached by the ITU-T SG6 and IEC TC 86, TSB Secretariat has set up a publicly accessible area, hereafter called the �Common Area� which can be accessed through a URL address, with the aim to share information. Even if usually such information represents the views of the participant bodies, at the early stages of discussion, material that has not yet been agreed in an organization could also be posted for stimulating discussions, providing food for thought, or delineating areas of work between ITU-T and IEC. Under no circumstances should material be posted solely for the purpose of advancing the views of a single ITU-T/IEC member/organization.

The Common Area is accessible to members of ITU-T SG 6 and IEC TC 86 and its Working groups as relevant.

Control of access for read and write to the common area are described in clause 8.

Since this Common Area is to be mainly shared by all Questions of SG 6 and work items within TC86, and in order to keep the type and amount of information to be posted under control, to avoid misuse and to ensure smooth functioning of the facility, SG 6 and IEC information providers are requested to abide by the procedures outlined below. 

2. Webmaster

The Webmaster, that is the SG6 EDH Coordinator, has the responsibility for the appearance, structure and day-to-day operations of the common area, Mr. Atilio REGGIANI.

From ITU-T side, only the webmaster, the Rapporteurs and Management Team will have the responsibility and right for posting.
From IEC side, the right for posting should be allowed to the Chair and Secretary of SC86A, the convenor of WP3 and to the secretary of SB4. Others having an official role in IEC can be exceptionally added under request by the TC86 Chair.

3. Copyright Notice for ITU material

Access to databases of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) for consultation of documents and/or information retrieval is permitted by the ITU subject to the user's acceptance of ITU's provisions and conditions of copyright contained within each document which obliges the user not to duplicate the document or parts thereof for distribution or sale external to the user's organization. Such information may be utilized in the receiving organization, as required, to further the work of the ITU and/or IEC to develop related standards, to provide guidance for product or service development and implementation and to serve as support documentation associated with a product or service.

For special arrangement or further clarification regarding this policy, please contact:

Mr. Michel Giroux
Chairman of the ITU Publication Policy Committee
International Telecommunication Union
Place des Nations
1211 Geneva 20
Fax: +41 22 730 5785
Internet email:  

4. Structure of the Common FTP Area

The structure of the Common Area is organized at the top level by Folders/Questions.

It is important that with any material posted in the Common Area, the following is clearly indicated
- the level of agreement and stability reached so far;
- that the content of draft Recommendations/Standards, if any, may change without notice;
- that draft Recommendations/Standards are only 'final' and 'binding' after they have been approved.

5. Types of material for posting in the Common Area

In principle any type of material can be posted, as long as it serves the purpose of the Common Area (see clause 1). Keep in mind only to post what is absolutely relevant and essential, to avoid crowding and overload of the Common Area, and fatigue with the users. Publicly available material should not be posted. Instead, hyperlinks to relevant material locations should be communicated, such as links to the SG 6 or IEC WEB pages for information on activities, meetings, Questions, Management Team, Rapporteurs, Editors, work program etc..

Typically, the following types of material could be posted:
- Draft Recommendations/Standards as relevant;
- ITU-T/IEC working documents such as Contributions,TDs, meeting reports, documents, etc.;
- Inputs to/outputs from Rapporteur Group/Working Group/SC meetings;
- Names and coordinates of contact people, meeting announcements, etc. (to single out a specific person or event).

Approved Recommendations/Standards will be only exchanged by means of the usual Liaison Statements and will not be posted in the Common Area. Exceptionally, posting of ITU-T Recommendations has to be authorized by the respective SG6 Chairman in consultation with the ITU-T SG6 secretariat.

6. Posting procedure

6.1 Posting procedure for ITU-T/IEC material

Posting is done via direct FTP access. Only the authorized person(s) can post material to the Common Area. Individual ITU-T or IEC members cannot post material. Where necessary, material will be posted in a not-editable and read-only format (e.g. PDF), and other suitable means, to impede misuse, could be implemented (e.g. text marked in such a way that illegal copies will be immediately obvious). Where subsequent text editing or other use is anticipated and acceptable to ITU-T and IEC, such text should also be posted in an editable, non-vendor specific format.

The Common Area shall not be used for archiving. Once the posted material has served its purpose, the relevant responsible (in ITU-T or IEC) should be advised to delete it.

6.2 Posting of ITU-T material

Proposals to post material can arise from individual SG 6 members, or from work by correspondence. The relevant Rapporteur should seek general agreement within the Rapporteur/Correspondence Group to post such material, in consultation with the relevant WP chairman and/or SG chairman. The Rapporteur will post such material in the folder concerning his Question.

6.3 Posting of IEC material

The request for posting of material from IEC, as may be requested by members of such organization and according to internal IEC working methods, should be directed to the IEC responsibles listed in point 2) above and posted in the folder of the correspondent SG6 Question.

7. Control of Access

The entry web page to the common area, along with the links to any other public information, as described above, are publicly accessible via http.
Participants of ITU-T and IEC who wish to access information in the Common Area may obtain a user ID and password by filling out an online form, prepared by ITU-T secretariat, to identify themselves. The user ID and password granted after filling out this form will allow the user to read the information in the common area using http access.
Uploading information to the common area via FTP always requires a user ID and password. A user ID and password with permission for upload is not available via the online form. For both ITU-T members and IEC members, granting of a user ID and password for upload requires approval by the ITU-T secretariat.


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