Dear Colleagues,
In accordance with agreement reached at the last Study Group 5 meeting (Geneva, 12-16 January 2004) it was found that there
is a need to have an intermediate Rapporteur's meeting
This Rapporteur's meeting for all Questions will be held from 24-28 May 2004, in Lannion, France, on the kind invitation of France Telecom.
The venue of the meeting will be the Hotel "Grand Hotel ", Perros Guirec, Fance.
A block reservation (around 20 rooms) has been made
Grand Hotel :
45, Boulevard Joseph Le Bihan 22700 Perros Guirec
Tel +33 2 96 49 84 84
Fax +33 2 96 23 21 50
email :
If you plan to attend the meeting please fulfil the attached file and return it by April 5 at the latest !
Please send your answer to me and to Ms Nadine LANCELOT at the following email :
Information about the agenda and transportation will be sent later.
I am looking forward to meeting you in Lannion.
Best regards.
France T�l�com R&D/RTA/NICE
2, Avenue Pierre Marzin
22307 Lannion Cedex - France
T�l. + 33 ( 0)2 96 05 39 38
Fax+ 33 ( 0)2 96 05 34 27