Type of Question
Continuation and integration of Questions 8/4 and 9/4 of the study period 1997-2000.
This Question will study aspects of network and service operations (BIS and maintenance procedures) and performance (objectives, limits and allocations) under a number of specialist areas organized in terms of network and service layers. These include physical, circuit based (e.g. PDH, SDH, OTN) and packet based (e.g. ATM, FR, IP) transport layers.
Reasons for the Question
Customer expectations relating to the Quality of Service (QoS) provided by telecom networks are changing with the advent of new technology, new services and new Service Providers. Transmission performance characteristics, objectives, allocations and limits for services and supporting transport networks need continuous review to take account of technology changes and improvements. Network operations procedures and processes are shifting towards increased emphasis on automated network and service management, driven by market and economic pressures, and enabled by technology development.
International agreement is therefore required on performance and procedures for services and supporting transport networks, including harmonization between different networks and technologies.
This Question is responsible for the maintenance of the M.13xx series and the M.2xxx series Recommendations.
Text of the Question
1) Physical and circuit based (e.g. PDH, SDH, OTN) layer networks and services
What new recommendations or changes to existing recommendations should be defined for operations and maintenance of digital transport
networks ? How should the current M-series recommendations relating to the physical layer be extended and developed to cover both networks and services offered at the physical
layer ?
2) Packet based (e.g. ATM, FR, IP) layer networks and services
What new recommendations are required for operations and maintenance of digital transport networks employing packet based
technologies ? What processes and procedures need to be standardized for services offered using these
technologies ?
3) Applications
Are any specific recommendations needed for applications using the digital transport
network ? Potential examples of applications are end-to-end managed services for ATM, FR and IP.
4) Aspects to consider
For all three areas defined above, the following aspects should be considered:
- Error, timing (jitter/wander/synchronization), availability and reliability performance
- QoS and Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
- Implications of interconnection of private networks with public/leased networks
- Impact of in-service monitoring techniques (POH primitives, parameters, objectives)
- Preventative and corrective maintenance (proactive and reactive approaches)
- Recovery mechanisms (protection and restoration procedures)
- Mixed analogue and digital networks and services
- Mixed PDH and SDH transport networks
- TMN requirements
- Provision of test points, use of digital cross-connects/switches and testing procedures
- New transport technologies such as xDSL and optical networking
Task objectives
a) Review existing network and service models and develop extensions/new ones.
b) Consider performance objectives and allocations based on Study Group 13 work and other study groups e.g. Study Group 2, Study Group 17, Study Group 12, Study Group 16.
c) Maintain the relationships between performance limits and objectives and consider their impact on QoS and
d) Review mixed analogue and digital transmission network and service requirements.
e) Consider interworking of PDH, SDH, FR, ATM and IP networks and support of each other.
f) Identify specific TMN requirements especially those relating to exchange of information.
g) Review and refine existing recommendations and develop required new recommendations.
h) Update and harmonize vocabulary, terms and definitions.
The work of this Question is related to work being done in:
� ITU-T Study Groups 4, 12, 13, 15, 16 and 17
� Telemanagement Forum