Type of Question
Continuation of Question 1/4 studied in 1997-2000.
Reasons for the Question
To make available suitable terms and definitions needed by personnel
concerned with telecommunication management activities; to reach a systematic
categorization of management terms and definitions with the aim to avoid
repetitions and inconsistencies; to coordinate in certain areas, a unified view
of management terms within Study Group 4, and support coordination of
uniform terminology across other Study Groups.
Text of the Question
What additions or changes regarding terms and definitions required for Study
Group 4 Recommendations are needed?
Specific task objectives
1) While the primary approach for specifying terms and definitions should be
to include them within related Recommendations and then reference them as needed
from other Recommendations, considerations may be given to other approaches to
benefit specific groups of users. For example, it may be beneficial to gather
terms and definitions relevant to a single Recommendation series into one
Recommendation. In particular, the role of and the terms and definitions in
Recommendation M.60 need to be confirmed or amended.
2) Alternative ways of categorizing all terms and definitions may be examined
by taking into account different criteria, e.g., ordering on a basis of services
and networks, or via a layering of the telecommunications infrastructure into
services, networks and management support.
The Working Parties of SG 4, and ITU-T Study Groups 2, 7, 8, 11, 13, 15 and 16.