ITU-T Study Group 10 Area of Responsibility (Study Period 1997 - 2000) |
Responsible for studies relating to:
- Studies
on modelling, specification and description techniques and on other software aspects of
telecommunication systems will be developed in line with the requirements of and in
cooperation with the relevant Study Groups such as SG 2, SG 7, SG 11, SG 13 and
SG 15.
- Developments
carried out by other internationally accredited standardization bodies such as ISO, IEC,
etc., and other common specification groups such as OMG, NMF, etc., will also be
considered (and in close liaison with such bodies) in order to get the maximum synergy and
to minimize the efforts in the development of new Recommendations.
- The
work will concentrate on aspects for which the industry deems it useful to apply
ITU-T Recommendations in order to
enhance the use of software technology with associated processes and in order to stimulate
the market place for such technology.