

Issue No.4


Building on Broadband in the wireless world




Welcome to the fourth edition of
the ITU-R e-Flash
(June 2010) of the ITU Radiocommunication Sector.

The ITU-R e-Flash is your  information source to follow
ITU-R Sector activities, milestones and experts' opinions in
the rapidly changing world
of international wireless communications.

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ITU-R e-Flash or to further
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ITU-R e-Flash back issues:
No.1 - No.2 - No.3

Promotion & Membership / BR
    • Preface by Director, BR 
      (by Valery Timofeev, Director, ITU Radiocommunication Bureau)

    • ITU-R Partnership with Academia  
      (by the Director and Deputy-Director, ITU Radicommunication Bureau)

    • Optical Spectrum (> 3 THz) - WRC-12 Resolution 118 to consider procedures for free-space optical links
      (by Fabio Leite, Deputy Director, ITU Radiocommunication Bureau)

    • Sharing the Broadcasting Spectrum (digital dividend, white spaces, PLT 
      (by Nangapurum Venkatesh, Counsellor for ITU-R Study Group 6)

    • WRC-12 Agenda Item 1.19 - Software-Defined Radio and Cognitive Radio Systems
      (by Nikolai Vassiliev, Head, Fixed and Mobile Services Division, BR)

    • 3DTV - Three Dimensional Television  
      (a collection of ITU articles and information on 3DTV)

    • Radio Regulations Board (RRB) - its place, role and functioning in the ITU 
      (by Wladyslaw Moron, Member RRB, ITU Radiocommunication Bureau)

    • ITU-R Publications 'News'  






Preface by Director, ITU Radiocommunication Bureau, Mr. Valery Timofeev  -- Welcome to the fourth edition of the ITU-R e-Flash.

In 2010, preparations for WRC-12 are well under way, leading to finalization of the draft Report for the Conference Preparatory Meeting in February 2011.

An intensive programme of work for the Radio Regulations Board is envisaged.

The 5 high-priority outputs (in no particular order of priority) for ITU-R have been identified in the four-year operational plan for the Radiocommunication Sector 2010-2013.

  • World and regional radiocommunication conferences
  • Processing of space and terrestrial notices (there is no longer a backlog in satellite network filings processing and updated software to process notices on terrestrial services (to cover changes decided by WRC-07) has been almost entirely implemented.)
  • ITU-R Study Groups
  • ITU-R Publications
  • Assistance to members ... 

Photo: Mr Valery Timofeev, Director, ITU Radiocommunication Bureau, opening the World Radiocommunication Seminar (WRS-08) in Geneva. Photo credits: ITU / V. Martin

ITU-R Partnership with Academia -- The ITU Radiocommunication Bureau has been actively encouraging a closer involvement of academia, including research and communications development centers, in the ITU-R Sector activities. Among these initiatives, it is particularly worth mentioning the following past and ongoing activities in the space satellite launch, international standardization cooperation and participation in the evaluation process of IMT-Advanced (4G) activities ...

3DTV -- Three-dimensional (3D) television sets are already on sale in some countries, but it is in 2010 that major electronics manufacturers are truly starting their drive to expand the global market. An article 'Has 3D TV come of age?' in ITU News of March 2010 describes the technical issues that must still be addressed, and a supply of 3D content will be needed from broadcasters. Nevertheless, 3D television is expected to surge in popularity.

To ensure 3DTV television sets made by different manufacturers will work anywhere in the world, so that consumers can buy with confidence, Geneva-based ITU bring specialists together to agree common global standards for 3D TV broadcasting.

Study Group 6 (Broadcasting service) of ITU’s Radiocommunication Sector has released Report ITU-R BT.2160, which outlines a roadmap for future 3D TV implementation and envisages systems so smart they accurately mimic the way our eyes and brains perceive the visual world


Radio Regulations Board (RRB) - its place, role and functioning in the ITU -- The Radio Regulations Board (RRB) is a body of significant importance in the ITU. To understand its role properly, one should look at how the situation evolved from the beginning, and have a picture of the present state. But the suitable information to enable this understanding is dispersed in various sources, making the search for it tedious. This document puts the relevant information together, giving a concise overview of historical background, and examining the present time duties and working methods of the RRB. This may prove valuable to many, particularly to Administrations of Member States taking part in Plenipotentiary Conferences, where various ideas concerning the RRB are discussed, and where elections of RRB Members take place ..


ITU-R Publications news -- ITU-R Publications constitute an essential reference source for all those wishing to remain abreast of the rapid and complex changes occurring in the world of international radiocommunications, such as government agencies, public and private telecommunication operators, manufacturers, scientific or industrial bodies, international organizations, consultancies, universities, technical institutions, etc.

Recent ITU-R regulatory and conference publications are the
'2010 edition of the Handbook for Digital Television Signals: Coding and Interfacing within Studios' and the new 'DVD-ROM of ITU-R Recommendations and Reports, Edition of 2010'. A number of ITU-R Handbooks are also soon to be published ... 

Optical Spectrum (> 3 THz) - WRC-12 Resolution 118 to consider procedures for free-space optical links -- ITU-R to deal with the next big step in data transmission through 'optical spectrum' in the greater than 3 THz (above 3000 GHz) bandwidth. Delivery of broadband services through optical wireless.

The World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC) process is once again called upon in its consensus building capacity to address regulatory procedures in frequencies above 3000 GHz, including revision of the relevant parts of the ITU Radio Regulations.
The ITU Plenipotentiary Conference decided (see Resolution 118 (Marrakesh, 2002)) that world radiocommunication conferences (WRCs) can include in their agendas 'items relevant to spectrum regulation of frequencies above 3000 GHz and take any appropriate measures, including revision of the relevant parts of the Radio Regulations'.

WRC-07 adopted Resolution 955, which resolved that possible procedures for free-space optical links should be considered by WRC-12, taking into account the results of ITU-R studies covering at least sharing aspects with other services, a clear definition of the band limits and the measures to be considered if allocations to various services in the Radio Regulations above 3000 GHz are considered feasible. WRC-12 �1.6 will therefore address possible procedures for free-space optical links, taking into account the results of ITU-R studies, in accordance with Resolution 955 (WRC-07).

ITU-R Study Group 1 (Spectrum management) has been the responsible group to carry out the preparatory studies on free-space optical links.

In the future fibre-optic like broadband wireless connections, free-space optical links will be a promising system to provide point-to-point line-of-sight networks
Sharing the Broadcasting Spectrum (digital dividend, white spaces, PLT) --  The introduction of digital terrestrial broadcasting, which is underway in many parts of the world, provides many benefits, among which is the professed ‘digital dividend’. Digital compression technology and coding systems allow for several television programme channels to be carried within the same bandwidth that is used by an analogue television channel. Digital terrestrial television (DTT) delivers an increasing number of quality television programmes within the same amount of spectrum that is used by an analogue channel and uses spectrum more efficiently ...

White spaces: Another aspect of the switch-over to digital terrestrial television broadcasting is the thorough review of the UHF broadcasting spectrum that is taking place in Administrations undertaking this transition ...

Power Line Telecommunication (PLT) is a communication system which uses the electrical infrastructure wiring to transfer high-frequency data signals from place to place. It is superimposed on electrical wiring that is used within the house or office, from power sockets to all spurs or branches that go to the light fittings, ceiling/wall outlets, etc. In some countries this technique is referred to as 'Broadband over Powerline (BPL)' ...
WRC-12 Agenda Item 1.19 - Software-Defined Radio and Cognitive Radio Systems -- Over twelve years ago, WRC-97 introduced the definition of adaptive systems in the Radio Regulations. Such systems were limited to the medium and high frequency bands where propagation conditions vary significantly. Adaptive systems were capable of modifying their parameters, including frequency and power, in order to improve the quality of reception.

WRC-97 adopted Resolution 729 (WRC-97) “Use of frequency adaptive systems in the MF and HF bands”, which called for further studies on the issue with their results to be reported to a future WRC. The resolution introduced regulatory elements for adaptive systems, prohibiting their operation in the bands used by safety services as well as by the radio astronomy, radiodetermination, amateur and broadcasting services.

Further technological developments enlarged the capabilities of adaptive systems. In this respect, an important role is played by software, which makes it possible to analyse the radio environment and adjust system characteristics to specific operational situations. Such a combination of radio equipment and software offers new solutions for resolving the problem of frequency congestion and improves the overall efficiency of spectrum use. Following these technological advances, the two new concepts of software-defined radio (SDR) and cognitive radio systems (CRS) were created




Tashkent-2010 BR/BDT Regional Seminar 'Management of radio-frequency spectrum and satellite orbits at international level', Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan, 21-25 June 2010
  ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2010 (PP-10), 4-22 October 2010, Guadalajara, Mexico
Second Information Meeting on WRC-12 Preparation, Geneva, 24-25 November 2010
  WRS-10 - World Radiocommunication Seminar, Geneva, 6-10 December 2010
  CPM-11-2 - Second Session of the Conference Preparatory Meeting for WRC-12, Geneva, 14-25 February 2011
WRC-12 WRC-12 - World Radiocommunication Conference, Geneva, 23 January-17 February 2012

RECENT Events:

More events (visit the online ITU-R Meeting Schedule)  


RECENT ITU-R Publications:

Digital Television Signals: Coding and Interfacing within Studios, Edition of 2010

This Handbook gives a summary of the background to what has been agreed so far in ITU-R, based largely on work already reported within Reports but also including references to published material outside of the ITU.


DVD-ROM ITU-R Recommendations and Reports, Edition of 2010

This disk contains all the ITU-R Recommendations and Reports in force and available at the publication date.

More on recent ITU-R Publications ... 
(Oct. 2009 - June 2010)
Become a Member of ITU-R Sector!
3 Scientific Industrial Organizations (SIO), 7 Recognized Operating Agencies (ROA) and 3 Registered International Orgaizations (REGINTORG) further joined the ITU-R Sector since the last issue of the ITU-R e-Flash, reaching a total of 260 ITU-R Sector Members and 25 Associate Members:
  • Sector Members as from October 2009:

    Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE), San Jos� (ROA/Operator)
    Arab Information and Communication Technology Organization (AICTO), Tunis (REGINTORG) (exemption from payment)
    African Union, Addis Ababa (REGINTORG) ( exemption from payment)
    Caribbean Broadcasting Union (CBU), Bridgetown, Barbados (REGINTORG) ( exemption from payment)

  • Sector Members 2010:

    SES Sirius AB, Solna (ROA)
    Zain Zambia, Lusaka (ROA)
    TelOne (Pvt) Limited , Harare (ROA)

  • Associate Members as from October 2009:

    Gabonaise des T�l�communications (GABTEL), Libreville, Gabon (ROA) (Study Group 1)

  • Associate Members 2010:

    NXP B.V., Eindhoven, Netherlands (SIO), (Study Group 6)
    TCI International, Inc., Fremont, CA (United States) (SIO), (Study Group 1)
    TES Am�rica Andina Ltda. Bogot�, Colombia (ROA) (Study Group 1)
    Empresa Argentina de Soluciones Satelitales (AR-SAT S.A.), Buenos aires, Argentina (ROA (Study Group 4)
    Philips International B.V. Eindhoven, Netherlands (SIO) (Study Group 6)
    Stichting Open Spectrum, Amsterdam, Netherlands (Other Entity), (Study Group 1)


Total: 260 ITU-R Sector Members and 25 Associate Members

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Radiocommunication Sector

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