As both a follow-up to and continuation of the momentum created over the past three years on the efficient use of the spectrum/orbit resource, the ITU Radiocommunication Bureau is pleased to announce that a regional seminar will be held from 5 to 7 September 2012 in Almaty, Kazakhstan, at the kind invitation of the Administration of Kazakhstan, on "Prospects for use of the Ka-band by satellite communication systems". Nowadays, access to the spectrum/orbit resource, a crucial asset for satellite companies and countries, is becoming more and more challenging. Struggle for this satellite spectrum asset is particularly intense for newcomers to the business, for smaller companies operating existing satellite services, and for anybody seeking to introduce new types of satellite application, particularly broadband applications. In this regard, tremendous technological developments have taken place in both satellite technology and satellite applications in Ka-band frequencies, and current trends show an increased attraction to the development of satellite communication systems in Ka-band frequencies. This new-found attraction is due to the band being still relatively underused, making GSO coordination easier, but also to the availability of the well developed and advanced technology it requires. At the same time, the prosperity of the Ka-band satellite business and its specificity could be threatened by abuse of the regulatory regime for the purpose of gaining access to the spectrum/orbit resource in a manner that blocks the operation of real satellite networks. The Almaty seminar will provide a unique opportunity to meet and share views with the world�s leading experts from administrations, satellite operators and industry who will provide the latest information on their plans for the development of satellite networks in the Ka-band. Participants will also be able to share their national experience in the development of satellite networks (in terms of development of Ka-band satellite systems), and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using this frequency range, possible ways to overcome the problems associated with the propagation conditions above 20 GHz, and frequency sharing including sharing with terrestrial services. On the last day of the seminar, a more specific workshop will be organized to familiarize participants with the use of ITU BR software for evaluating coordination requirements and the submission of comments on Bureau publications. |