Extract from Plenipotentiary Conference (Marrakesh, 2002) Resolution 71
4.3 Within its
overall mission, the priorities of the
Radiocommunication Sector for 2004-2007, in addition to
those that may be identified by future conferences, are
indicated below, in three categories, where Category A
represents the highest priority. Each priority is linked
to the specific relevant goal enumerated in Part I,
section 3.3 above:
Category A
4.3.1 To facilitate timely coordination
between various systems in both the space and
terrestrial environments and to develop spectrum
regulation initiatives in order to better harmonize
frequency allocations and the use of satellite
orbits, while continuing work to improve
inter-service and intra-service frequency
coordination for space and terrestrial systems in
planned and non-planned frequency bands through
appropriate measures at world radiocommunication
conferences (Goals 4 and 5).
4.3.2 To collaborate as needed with the
Telecommunication Standardization (ITU-T) and
Telecommunication Development (ITU-D) Sectors and
the General Secretariat to ensure that studies are
appropriately coordinated and that no duplication of
work occurs (Goal 5).
4.3.3 To facilitate the introduction of
modern radio systems in rural areas, with special
attention to developing countries, and give
assistance to Member States in spectrum management
activities, e.g. through training, information
meetings, seminars, the development of handbooks and
the provision of tools for automated spectrum
management (Goals 2 and 6).
4.3.4 To reduce the satellite network
filing backlog so as to comply with the time-limits
specified in the Radio Regulations by the end of the
current plenipotentiary cycle in 2006 (Goal 5).
Category B
4.3.5 To ensure that world and regional
radiocommunication conferences and other relevant
activities within the Sector are effective and
efficient; that WRC agendas do not unduly burden
Member States and Sector Members, and consequently
secretariat resources, by appropriately reviewing
operations and working methods (Goal 5); and that
resolutions and decisions are not adopted which
would give rise to expenditure in excess of the
limits laid down by the Plenipotentiary Conference.
4.3.6 To accommodate spectrum
requirements through efficient management of the
radio-frequency spectrum, free from harmful
interference, through appropriate consideration at
WRCs and by issuing appropriate recommendations on
the characteristics and performance of radio systems
to facilitate their development and implementation,
while ensuring that the Radio Regulations and the
rights of Member States are respected (Goals 1, 2,
4, and 5).
4.3.7 To expand the assistance offered
to Member States in coordinating and registering
frequency assignments and in applying the Radio
Regulations, with special attention to developing
countries and Member States that have recently
joined the Union (Goal 2).
4.3.8 To ensure that the Radio
Regulations Board (RRB) discharges its functions
concerning the application of the Radio Regulations,
in a manner which is fully consistent with the
Constitution, Convention and Radio Regulations and
maintains the confidence of Member States (Goals 1
and 5).
Category C
4.3.9 To improve international spectrum
management techniques (Goals 1 and 5).
4.3.10 To improve the working methods of
the Sector, particularly to strive for:
a) greater use of more
timely-developed and user-friendly software,
document exchange capabilities, etc. (Goal 5);
b) the accelerated development of
recommendations and improvement in publication
mechanisms (reduction of unit cost and time
taken to publish, wider distribution and greater
electronic availability) (Goals 5 and 6);
c) increased use of information
technology for the notification and processing
of frequency assignment notices (Goals 5 and 6);
d) a flexible organizational
structure in the Radiocommunication Bureau (BR),
with special attention to the training and
development of the Bureau's staff, incorporating
the gender and youth perspectives (Goal 5).
e) periodic reviews of study group
work programmes, and review of linkage between
financial, strategic and operational planning,
to re-establish priorities and improve
effectiveness (Goal 5).
4.3.11 To monitor, through the
Radiocommunication Advisory Group (RAG), the
performance of the relevant activities of the Sector
against identified milestones and to propose
adjustments to the strategic plan as needed (Goal
4.3.12 To encourage greater
participation by Member States, Sector Members,
Associates and other organizations in ITU-R
activities by, inter alia, concluding formal and
informal task-oriented cooperation arrangements so
as to facilitate the production of better global
radiocommunication standards and recommendations
(Goals 1, 3, and 4).