GSR 2012 Why regulate in a Networked Society?
Best Practice Guidelines on regulatory approaches to foster access to digital opportunities through cloud services.
عرب || 中文 || English || Espa�ol || Fran�ais || Русский
GSR 2011 Smart Regulation for a Broadband World
Best Practice Guidelines on identifying innovative regulatory approaches to advance the deployment of broadband, encourage innovation and enable digital inclusion of all.
عرب | 中文 | English | Espa�ol | Fran�ais | Русский
GSR2010 Enabling Tomorrow’s Digital World
Best practices in designing, building out and managing open access networks.
GSR2009 Hands-on or Hands-off? Stimulating growth through effective ICT regulation
Best Practice Guidelines on innovative regulatory approaches in a converged world to strengthen the foundation of a global Information Society
Arabic | Chinese | English French | Russian | Spanish
GSR2008 Six degrees of sharing: Innovative infrastructure sharing and open access strategies to promote affordable access for all
Best Practice Guidelines on Infrastructure Sharing
GSR2007 The Road to Next Generation Networks (NGN): Can regulators promote investment and achieve open access?
Best Practice Guidelines for Next-Generation Networks (NGNs) Migration
GSR2005 Developing a new regulatory framework to promote broadband deployment and access in developing countries
GSR2004 Licensing in an era of convergence
English | French | Spanish
GSR2003 Promoting Universal Access to ICTs