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ITU-BDT Seminar on Network Evolution

Sofia, Bulgaria 21-24 January 2003



Mr. Nenad. Stankovic (ITU/BDT), Mr. Riccardo Passerini (ITU/BDT),

Mrs. Marina. Chevtchenko (ITU/BDT), Mrs. Isabelle Simha (ITU/BDT)



Mr. Fabio Leite (ITU), Mr. Riccardo Passerini (ITU/BDT)



To be appointed after Opening Ceremony


Mr. Riccardo Passerini
IMT-2000 ITU/BDT Focal Point
Tel.+41 22 730 5720

Part 1: From Circuit Switched To Packet Switched Network

Telecommunication networks architectures are changing to meet new requirements for a number of services/applications (Broadband, IP, Multimedia, mobile, etc.).

New generation equipment (softswitches, databases, service controllers, new protocols and interfaces, etc.) and new call/mix traffic cases are going to be introduced in the networks.

Different solutions/network architectures can be taken into account for a smooth transition from existing network infrastructures (PSTN/PLMN) towards New Generation Network (NGN) as a result of the convergence process leading to different applications/services sharing network infrastructures.

Part 2: Mobile Network Evolution towards IMT-2000

Wireless communications and Internet are merging in IMT-2000 to provide advanced mobile multimedia services. In this context, ITU is playing a pre-eminent role in defining frameworks and system concepts for bridging the digital divide. The second part of the seminar will address the various aspects of the Mobile Network Evolution to IMT-2000 as an optimum wireless communication infrastructure for the information society, with particular emphasis on global solutions adequate to the requirements of developing countries.


PART 1: From Circuit Switched to Packed Switched Networks

Day 1 (21st January)

Registration: 8:30 � 9:45 hours

9:45 � 10:30 hours

Session 1: Opening

Chairman: Riccardo Passerini, ITU-BDT

Vice-Chairman : Kiritkumar Lathia, Vice-Chairman, ITU-T Special Study Group on IMT-2000.

1.1 Welcome address (A. Ognya and N. Malezanow , hosting Administration)

1.2 Introductory remarks (Riccardo Passerini, ITU-BDT)

10:30 � 11:00 hours

Coffee break

11:00 � 12:00 hours

Session 2: Fixed Network Evolution

2.1 Network Planning Strategies for Evolving Network Architectures (I. Stanev,BTC)

2.2 From Circuit Switched Network to Packet Switched Network - Experience in Bulgaria (Nina Parvanova - BTC)

12:00 � 14:00 hours

Lunch break

14:00 � 15:00 hours

Session 2:  Fixed Network Evolution

2.3 VoIP: Benefit and Obstacles( Nassia Hanewich, iBasis) 

2.4 VoIP Quality in converging Telephony and IP Networks (Nassia Hanewich, iBasis)

15:00 � 15:30 hours

Coffee break

15:30 � 17:00 hours

Session 3: IP and the Information Society

3.1 IP connectivity and Wireless Technology (Daniel Raye - Vocaltec)

3.2 Voice Over IP (Daniel Raye - Vocaltec)


Day 2 (22nd January)

9:00 � 10:30 hours

Session 3: IP and the Information Society (cont�d)

3.3 Broadband DSL Technology (Friedrich Kiel, Alcatel)

3.4 Broadband Services (Friedrich Kiel, Alcatel)

10:30 � 11:00 hours

Coffee break

11:00 � 12:00 hours

Session 3: IP and the Information Society (cont�d)

3.5 Achieving Opex reduction and revenue growth with NGN (Paolo Campoli, Cisco Systems)

3.6 Softswitch equipment in the NGN Architectures and related Services (G. Renoffio, Italtel)

12:00 � 14:00 hours

Lunch break

14:00 � 15:00 hours

Session 4: New Network Architectures

4.1 NGN: Evolution towards Profitable Services (Dr. Helmut Schink, Vice President, ICN Networks, Siemens)

15:00 � 15:30 hours

Coffee break

15:30 � 16:30 hours

Session 4: New Network Architectures (cont'd)

4.2 Fixed network Migration to Next Generation Networks (NGN) (Souheil, Marine, Alcatel)

16:30 - 17:30 hours

Round Table on Fixed Network Evolution

17:30 - 18:00 hours

Closure PART 1

Seminar Conclusion PART 1


PART 2: Mobile Network Evolution to IMT-2000

Day 3 (23rd January)

9:00 � 11:00 hours

Session 1 : International Framework for IMT-2000

1.1 Overview of ITU activities on IMT-2000, Kiritkumar Lathia Vice Chairman, ITU-T Special Study Group on IMT-2000

1.2 Mobile Network Evolution to NGN (Souheil Marine, Alcatel)

11:00 � 11:30 hours

Coffee break

11:30 � 12:30 hours

Session 1 : International Framework for IMT-2000

1.3 Business Considerations for Migration to IMT-2000 Kiritkumar Lathia, Vice President, Siemens Mobile Communications, Italy

1.4 Mobile Network Migration to IMT-2000 - ITU-D Action Plan on IMT-2000, Riccardo Passerini, ITU-BDT IMT-2000 Focal Point

12:30 � 14:00 hours

Lunch break

14:00 � 15:45 hours

Session 2: Evolution from existing mobile systems to IMT-2000

2.1 CDG Activities, Ewa Gawora, CDMA Development Group

2.2 Harmonization & convergence of evolving IMT-2000 networks, Dr. Youngkyun Kim, Senior VP, Samsung Electronics

2.3 Mobile services evolution, Evgeni Karakanovsky, Director Business Development and Services, MobilTel EAD

15:45 � 16:15 hours

Coffee break

16:15 � 17:45 hours

Session 2: Evolution from existing mobile systems to IMT-2000

2.4 Technology options for evolution from existing mobile systems to IMT-2000 � Bernd Eylert, Chairman, UMTS Forum

2.5 Technology options for evolution from existing mobile systems to IMT-2000, Bruce Pales, Lucent Technologies



Day 4 (24th January)

9:00 � 10:30 hours

Session 3: IMT-2000 Regulatory and Operational Aspects

3.1 Spectrum issues for IMT-2000, Halina Uryga, Orange France

3.2 Regulatory considerations, Jennifer McCarthy, Qualcomm Inc.

10:30 � 11:00 hours

Coffee break

11:00 � 12:00 hours

Session 3 IMT-2000 Regulatory and Operational Aspects

3.3 IMT-2000 Regulatory Environment, Halina Uryga, Orange France, Jean Piquemal, French Ministry of Industry

3.4 Case study: CDMA-450 Pilot Network in Russian Federation, Vadim Beliavski, NMT Association.

12:00 � 14:00 hours

Lunch break

14:00 � 15:30 hours

Session 4: Country presentations

4.1 Status report on the Bulgarian mobile communications: Mr. Huygen - MobilTel EAD

4.2 Status report on the Serbian mobile communications: 

15:30 � 16:00 hours

Coffee break

16:00 � 17:00 hours

Round Table on Mobile Network Evolution to IMT-2000
17:00 - 17:30 hours

Closure PART 2

Seminar Conclusion PART 2


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