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in collaboration with the

� Minist�re de la Communication et des Nouvelles technologies de l'Information �


� Agence des t�l�communications de C�te d�Ivoire � (ATCI)

ICT / IMT-2000 Seminar
(Africa 2002)

(Abidjan, C�te d�Ivoire, 9-12 September 2002)



Mr. Jules Kuadjo, Agence des t�l�communications de C�te d�Ivoire � (ATCI).

Mrs. Chali Tumelo, ITU/BDT

Mr. Riccardo Passerini - Mr. D�sir� Karyabwite, ITU/BDT

Mrs. Anna Barboza, ITU/BDT



Mr. Fabio Leite, ITU

Mrs. Chali Tumelo, ITU/BDT

Mr. Riccardo Passerini - Mr. D�sir� Karyabwite, ITU/BDT



To be appointed after Opening Ceremony


 ICT / IMT-2000 Seminar
(Africa 2002)

(Abidjan, C�te d�Ivoire, 9-12 September 2002) 


"Wireless communications and Internet are merging in IMT-2000 to provide advanced mobile multimedia services. In this context, ITU is playing a preeminent role in defining frameworks and system concepts for bridging the digital divide. This seminar will address the various aspects of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) including IMT-2000 as an optimum wireless communication infrastructure for the information society, with particular emphasis on global solutions adequate to the requirements of developing countries. "

H. Tour�, Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau

Day 1 (9th September)

Registration: 8:30 � 9:45 hours

9:45 � 10:30 hours

Session 1: Opening

Chairman : Jules Kuadjo, Technical Counsellor, � Agence des t�l�communications de C�te d�Ivoire � (ATCI).

Vice-Chairman : Kiritkumar Lathia, Vice-Chairman, ITU-T Special Study Group on IMT-2000.

1.1 Welcome address (Authority of the hosting administration / ITU, Riccardo Passerini)

1.2 Opening address, Situation of Network Management in the Region / The role of the Regional Office for Africa (Chali Tumelo, ITU-BDT Field Office)

1.3 Introductory remarks (Seminar Chairman)

10:30 � 11:00 hours

Coffee break

11:00 � 12:00 hours

Session 1: Keynote(s) (cont.d)

1.4 Results of WTDC-02 (Riccardo Passerini, ITU-BDT IMT-2000 Focal Point)

1.5 IP activities and e-Strategies (D�sir� Karyabwite, ITU-BDT IP Coordinator)


12:00 � 14:00 hours

Lunch break

14:00 � 15:00 hours

Session 2: IMT-2000 implementation - Economic aspects

2.1 Societal and Economical considerations for IMT-2000 (Kiritkumar Lathia, Siemens Mobile Communications)


15:00 � 15:30 hours

Coffee break

15:30 � 17:00 hours

Session 3: IP and the Information Society

3.1 IP connectivity and Wireless Technology (D�sire Karyabwite, ITU-BDT )


Day 2 (10th September)

9:00 � 10:30 hours

Session 2: IMT-2000 Implementation � Technical aspects (cont�d)

2.2 3GPP Standardization Process (Asok Chatterjee, Chairman, 3GPP Program Coordination Group and Ericsson)

2.3 CDMA Technology benefits & market status update (Peter Gorham, Lucent Technologies)


10:30 � 11:00 hours

Coffee break

11:00 � 12:00 hours

Session 4: IMT-2000 Regulatory Aspects

4.1 Spectrum Issues for IMT-2000, (Halina Uryga, France T�l�com Mobiles)

4.2 Licensing IMT-2000, (Pasi Toivonen, Finnish Communications Regulatory)


12:00 � 14:00 hours

Lunch break

14:00 � 15:30 hours

Session 5: ICT (tutorial)

5.1 Universal Access/GSM for local mobility (Jean-Marie Blanchard, Alcatel)


15:30 � 16:00 hours

Coffee break

16:00 � 17:00 hours

Session 5: ICT (tutorial) (cont�d)

5.2 Next Generation Networks (NGN) (Jean-Marie Blanchard, Alcatel)

5.3 Next Generation Networks (NGN) ( Mr. G. Wilms, Siemens)


Day 3 (11th September)

9:00 � 10:30 hours

Session 6: Wireless Evolution and Implementation

6.1 ITU-D studies on the evolution and migration towards IMT-2000 (Question 18/2),

Riccardo Passerini IMT-2000 BDT Focal Point

6.2 Evolution towards IMT-2000 � IP and Mobility ("Internet on the Air") 

(K. Lathia, Vice-Chairman, ITU-T SSG on IMT-2000 and Siemens)


10:30 � 11:00 hours

Coffee break

11:00 � 12:00 hours

Session 4: IMT-2000 Regulatory Aspects
(cont�d from day 2)

4.3 UMTS � Regulatory Aspects, (Klaus Olms UMTS Forum Representative)


12:00 � 14:00 hours

Lunch break

14:00 � 15:30 hours

Session 7: IMT-2000 implementation and licensing

7.1 IMT-2000 implementation � Spectrum & other Regulatory Considerations (Molly Gavin, Qualcomm Inc. & CDG)

7.2 Licensing IMT-2000 in Portugal, (Sofie Maddens Toscano, Portugal)

15:30 � 16:00 hours

Coffee break

16:00 � 17:00 hours

Session 7: Implementation and licensing (cont�d)

7.3 The International Framework for IMT-2000, I, II  (K. Lathia, Vice-Chairman, ITU-T SSG on IMT-2000 and Siemens)

Day 4 (12th September)

9:00 � 10:30 hours

Session 8: Case Studies

Chairman: TBD

8.1 Cameroun, Mr. Emmanuel KAMDEM NZIKOU Division Informatique Minist�re des Postes & T�l�communications YAOUNDE

8.2 South Africa, Mr. Sipho Magagula, Siemens

8.3 Uganda, Mr. Patrick Mwesigwa, Uganda Communications Commission

10:30 � 11:00 hours

Coffee break

11:00 � 12:00 hours

Session 9: Closing

- Discussions

- Seminar conclusions

12:00 � 13:00 hours

Lunch break

13:00 � 18:00 hours

Touristic trip

C�te d'Ivoire, as hosting country of 2002 ICT/IMT-2000 Seminar, has the pleasure to offer a touristic trip (half day) to all the participants.

The touristic trip will bring everybody to discover the tourist site of the Boulay Island

located in front of Abidjan .

* Program:

- lagoon walk

- discovering the island

- dinner

- spectacle


return 18:00 hours

NB : The program is offered by C�te d'Ivoire to all the participants.

Seminar address on the ITU website:

For more information on IMT-2000 see:


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