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ITU-D Study Group 1 Period 1998-2002 : Management Team
Chairperson, Vice-Chairpersons and Rapporteurs
Chairperson & Vice-Chairpersons
Chairperson: Mr. Alberto Gabrielli (Argentina)
Vice-Chairpersons: Ms Ren� Amarasiri
Mr. Donnie de Freitas (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines)
Mr. Dietmar Plesse (Germany)
Mr. Abdul-Karim H. Salim (Kuwait)
Question 6/1 - Interconnection
Rapporteur: Mr. Rub�n Kustra (Telecom Argentina)
Co-Rapporteurs: Mr. Rub�n Kustra (Telecom Argentina)
Mr. Herbert Landgraf (Germany)
Mr. Y. Michel Ouedraogo (Burkina Faso)
ITU Secretary: Mr. Honor� Vignon
Question 7/1 - Universal access / service
Rapporteur: Mr. Roberto Perez (Movicom, Argentina)
ITU Secretary: Ms Alessandra Pileri
Question 8/1 - Establishment of an independent regulatory body
Rapporteur: Mr. Eric Lie  (Singapore)
Co-Rapporteurs: Mr. Federico Pinedo (Argentina)
Mr. Basile Gnon Lesan (C�te d'Ivoire)
Mr. Herbert Landgraf (Germany)
Mr. Hassan Makki (Switzerland)
Mr. Abdull-Rahman Ado (Nigeria)
ITU Secretaries: Ms Doreen Bogdan-Martin
Ms Susan Schorr
Question 9/1 - Impact of the introduction and utilization of new technologies on the regulatory   environment of telecommunications
Rapporteur: Mr. Mactar Seck (Senegal)
ITU Secretary: Ms Nancy Sundberg
Question 10/1 - Regulatory impact of the phenomenon of convergence within the telecommunications, broadcasting, information technology and content sectors
Rapporteur: Mr. Fabrizio Savi (Telecom Italia)
Co-Rapporteur: Mr. Philippe M�ge (Thomson-CSF, France)
Mr. J. Mpapalike (Tanzania)
ITU Secretary: Mr. Petko Kantchev
Question 11/1 - Factors to create a climate favourable to investment
Rapporteur: Mr. Ernst Becher (Thunderbird USA)
Co-Rapporteurs: Mr. Moses Damkor (Nigeria)
ITU Secretary: Mr. Pape Gorgui Tour�
Question 12/1 - Tariff policies, tariff models and methods of determining the cost of national telecommunication services
Rapporteur: Mr. Pierre Fontaine (France)
Co-Rapporteurs: Ms Mariana Kostova (Bulgaria)
Mr. Andrew Kawamara (PATU)
Mr. Terence Jeacock (United Kingdom)
ITU Secretary: Mr. Pape Gorgui Tour�
Question 13/1 - Promotion of infrastructure and use of the Internet in developing countries
Rapporteur: Mr. David Valdez (USA)
Co-Rapporteur: Mr. Marcelo Miguel Lamas (Telef�nica de Argentina)
ITU Secretary: Mr. D�sir� Karyabwite
Question 14/1 - The role of telecommunications in social and cultural development, including the protection and promotion of indiginous culture and identity
Rapporteur: Mr. Graeme Everton (New Zealand)
Co-Rapporteur: Mr. Georges Dupont-Henius (UNESCO)
ITU Secretary: Ms Alessandra Pileri
Question 15/1 - Technology transfer and informatization
Rapporteur: Mr. Sami Trimech  (CERT, Tunisia)
Co-Rapporteur: Mr. Luis Torres (INICTEL, Peru)
ITU Secretary: Mr. D�sir� Karyabwite
Question 16/1 - Methods to enhance the viability of public service broadcasting, particularly focusing on developing countries
Rapporteur: Mr. Georges Dupont-Henius (UNESCO)
Co-Rapporteurs: Ms Ilona Pergel (Hungary)
Mr. Moana Luamanuvae-Asani (Samoa)
ITU Secretary: Mr. Honor� Vignon


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