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ITU-D Study Groups Period 1998-2002  : Working Methods

List of documents

Doc. No. Source Title
001(Rev.2) Chairperson, GSWM Reduction of the cost and volume of documentation for ITU-D Study Group activities
002 Chairperson, ITU-D Study Group 1 Use of liaison statements
003(Rev.1) Chairperson, GSWM Summary of the conclusions of the first meeting of the Group, Geneva, 15-16 December 1999
004(Rev.2) Telecommunication Development Bureau Definition of the role of ITU-D Study Groups’ Management Team
005 Telecommunication Development Bureau Proposed modifications to the guidelines for Rapporteurs
006 Telecommunication Development Bureau Proposed modifications to Document 1/044 – 2/063 "Reference document for the ITU-D Study Groups"
007(Rev.1) Vice-Chairperson, GSWM Comparison of the working methods of the Study Groups in the three sectors based on Resolutions 3 and 4 of WTDC-98, and on the relevant resolutions and recommendations of ITU-R and ITU-D
008(Rev.2) GSWM Proposal for the titles of ITU-D Study Groups 1 and 2
009 Telecommunication Development Bureau Electronic facilities for submission and access to ITU-D Study Groups’ documents, publications and discussion groups
010 Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau Deletion of Questions – Proposal of a new chapter in Appendix 4 to Resolution 4, section 3 WTDC-98
011 Vice-President, Study Group 1 Proposition to reformulate Resolutions 3 and 4 WTDC-98
011 Vice-Pr�sident, Commission d’�tudes 1 Propositions pour reformuler les R�solutions 3 et 4 de la CMDT-98
012(Rev.2) Chairperson, GSWM Draft summary of the conclusions of the second meeting of the Group, Geneva, 31 January -1 February 2000
013(Rev.2) Telecommunication Development Bureau Draft resolution on Admission of entities or organizations to participate as Associates in the work of the ITU-D Study Groups
013(R�v.1) Bureau de d�veloppement des t�l�communications Projet de r�solution sur l�admission d�entit�s ou d�organisations � participer comme associ�s aux travaux des Commissions d��tudes de l�UIT-D
014 Telecommunication Development Bureau Draft resolution on the dissemination and applicaiton of ITU-D Study Group texts
014 Bureau de d�veloppement des t�l�communications Projet de r�solution sur la diffusion et mise en �uvre des textes des Commissions d��tudes de l�UIT-D
015(Rev.2) Telecommunication Development Bureau Draft revision of Resolution 5 (WTDC-1998) on enhanced participation by developing countries
015(R�v.1) Bureau de d�veloppement des t�l�communications R�vision de la r�solution 5 (CMDT-1998) sur le renforcement de la participation des pays en d�veloppement
016 Telecommunication Development Bureau Comparison of texts dealing with study groups in the three Sectors
017(Rev.1) Telecommunication Development Bureau Telecommunication Development Bureau
018(Rev.2) Telecommunication Development Bureau Draft new resolution: Strengthening the use of electronic document handling (EDH) for the work of ITU-D Study Groups
019 Syrian Arab Republic Proposals to add a new item in Section 4 of Resolution 4 (WTDC-98): Approval of new or revised recommendations and opinions
020(Rev.1) Telecommunication Development Bureau Translation of ITU-D Study Group documents
021(Rev.3) Vice-Chairman of GSWM Procedures to be applied by study groups (ex Resolution 4)
022 Telecommunication Development Bureau Draft summary of conclusions of the third meeting of the Group on the structure and working methods of the ITU-D Study Groups, Geneva, 14-16 November 2000


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