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Home : ITU-D : ICT Data and Statistics (IDS)
8th World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, 24-26 November 2010

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Wednesday, 24 November 2010

08.00 � 09.30

Delegates registration

09.30 � 11.00

Opening session and keynotes

The opening session will provide an overview of the meeting agenda and introduce the Chair, Ms Lamia Chaffai Sghaier, Secretary of State for information, Internet and free software, Ministry of Communication Technologies, Tunisia.

Keynote speakers from government, industry and academia will highlight recent ICT developments and the need for internationally comparable indicators.


11.00 � 11.15

Coffee break

11.15 � 12.30

Session 1: Measuring ICT impact � joint ITU/OECD/EU session

Information and communication technologies are transforming the world in multiple ways, and having a growing impact across all sectors of the economy. ICTs are allowing more people to access and share information in innovative ways. They reduce costs, increase businesses� and governments� productivity, and are an important foundation for innovation and development. While the benefits of ICTs are largely recognized, ICT impact measurement is still in its early stages. There is a growing demand for internationally comparable indicators to define quantifiable measures for analyzing the impact of ICTs.

Session (1), which is organized jointly by ITU, OECD and the EU, will provide participants with an overview of progress on measuring ICT impact. It will point to methodological challenges and discuss measurement frameworks and indicators. Besides presenting recent quantitative studies on measuring the economic impact of ICTs, the session will discuss different types of impact measurement, including productivity growth and ICTs and intangibles. A key objective of this session is to inform policy makers and producer of ICT statistics about indicators needed to measure impact, and about different types of analysis that can be produced.


12.30 � 14.30

Lunch break

14.30  � 16.00

Session 2: Measuring ICT impact - joint ITU/OECD/EU session (continued)

A continuation of session (1), this session (2) will focus on the economic impact of specific ICTs, in particular mobile telephony and broadband. It will discuss evidence of the impact of broadband on GDP, productivity and employment and present research results on the impact of mobile telephony in developing countries.


16.00 � 17.30

Session 3: Recent developments in measuring household ICT access and individual ICT use

Until recently, only a limited amount of countries were carrying out surveys to collect demand side data on the uptake and use of ICTs in households and by individuals. Today, there is growing recognition that supply side data � collected primarily by telecommunication operators � are limited in terms of measuring the information society. While supply side indicators are important in documenting the spread of telecommunication networks and services, policy makers need information on where and why (or not) people are using ICTs. Household survey data further allow governments to produce gender-disaggregated data and identify the link between educational and income levels on the one hand, and the use of ICTs on the other hand. Demand side data also help to overcome some of the shortcomings of supply side data, for example, in the area of mobile cellular telephony. While ITU data show that there are over 5 billion mobile cellular subscriptions, only survey data can provide information on how many people are actually using a mobile phone, including for accessing the Internet.

The objective of this session (3) is to present recent developments in measuring household ICT access and individual use, including in the area of fixed and wireless broadband. It will include an overview of the availability of internationally comparable household ICT statistic. Information will be presented on methodological issues related to the collection and harmonization of data and ITU, Eurostat and the OECD will share their experiences. National best practice examples will be presented from countries at different levels of development.



Thursday, 25 November 2010

09.30 � 11.00

Session 4: ICT infrastructure and access indicators

The telecommunication sector continues to be characterized by profound changes. Developments in the mobile cellular market, in particular, have revolutionized the way people communicate, and opened the door to new and innovative services. Of the more than 5 billion mobile cellular subscriptions, almost one fifth provide access to data communications at broadband speeds and more and more people today have access to the Internet at any time, from anywhere. Technological improvements and new applications have also affected the fixed broadband market and operators are actively responding to an increasing demand for more and more bandwidth, through the roll-out of high-speed broadband networks.

In view of these and other changes - including the convergence of networks, services and communication industries - and to understand and measure current trends and developments, ITU needs to regularly review its data collection and adapt indicators and definitions. One of the key recommendations made at the last (2009) WTIM was to create an Expert Group on Telecommunication/ICT Indicators (EGTI), to review and update the indicators collected by ITU. This session (4) will present the results of the EGTI, and present the revised version of the ITU handbook. In particular, the session will discuss the changes that have been made to the indicators and definitions and seek input on outstanding issues.


11.00 � 12.30

Session 5: ICT infrastructure and access indicators (continued)

A continuation of session (4), this session (5) will focus on indicators in the area of (wired and wireless) broadband, including indicators and definitions on speed and quality of service. A number of international, as well as national best practices will be presented.


12.30 � 14.30

Lunch break

14.30 � 16.00

Session 6: Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development: measuring e-government

The Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development is an international, multi-stakeholder initiative to improve the availability and quality of ICT data and indicators, particularly in developing countries. One of the key achievements of the Partnership has been the identification of a core list of indicators. This list of 50 indicators, which was agreed upon through a consultation process involving governments and international organizations and endorsed by the UN Statistical Commission, covers basic infrastructure and access indicators as well as ICTs in households, enterprises, and education. The list is regularly revised and expanded and the latest addition covers a set of indicators to measure e-government. For countries to become information societies, it is important that public administrations take a lead in getting connected and provide online public services to their citizens. The use of ICTs by and within governments can also be key to enhancing transparency and accountability and promoting good governance.

This session (6) will present and discuss the final list of core e-government indicators, definitions and model questions, proposed by the Partnership.


16.00 � 17.30

Session 7: Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development: measuring the WSIS targets

The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) identified 10 targets to be achieved by 2015. These targets range from connecting villages, schools, health centers, libraries and government agencies to developing content, and providing ICT services to people. So far, the review process has been hampered by a lack of quantitative measures and indicators to track the targets. To overcome this shortcoming the Partnership recently launched a task group on Measuring the WSIS Targets, with the objective of developing a framework for monitoring the WSIS goals and targets based on internationally defined indicators and standards. Since the targets include many different aspects of the information society, the task group includes different experts from within the Partnership, as well as from outside.

This session (7) will present the outcome of the Partnership task group�s work on measuring the WSIS targets and the final list of indicators. It will provide participants with the opportunity to discuss the proposed indicators and measurement objectives, and to highlight progress towards the achievement of the WSIS targets.



Friday, 26 November 2010

09.30 � 11.00

Session 8:  Measuring child online safety

A large share of today�s 2 billion Internet users are children. While the growing amount of information and applications on the Internet provides great opportunities, it also brings threats to safety and security � especially for children. Dangers include grooming for sexual purposes and cyber bullying. While online, children may be victims of racism and online fraud, and can be exposed to pornographic and violent images. They may also become addicted to spending time online, with the risks and lost opportunities that this entails. With continued growth of Internet penetration and the web itself, it is likely that without intervention, the situation will worsen. The need to be protected from potentially harmful information has been spelled out by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and world governments reiterated the need to protect children in cyberspace during the World Summit on the Information Society in 2003 and 2005. At the end of 2008, ITU launched the Child Online Protection (COP) initiative in response to calls for the protection of children in cyberspace. At the same time, it became clear that governments needed comparable statistical information to address these new challenges and to be able to formulate and review policies. To this end, ITU recently published a report which proposes a statistical framework and indicators to measure COP. This framework takes into consideration pioneering efforts made in some countries, particularly the EU countries and the United States.

This session (8) will present an overview of a statistical framework for measuring COP, as well as national and international efforts to measure and understand the issues related to children�s online safety.


11.00 � 12.30

Session 9: Measuring ICT and climate change

In a world that is facing increasing environmental challenges, including through climate change, attention has turned to the relationships between ICT and the environment. It is important to understand the role that ICTs have in both, contributing as well as alleviating climate change. For policy actions to be able to limit the negative outcomes and to adequately use and promote ICTs where they can mitigate adverse environmental effects, it is necessary to produce official and internationally comparable statistics, based on a statistical framework and indicators.

This session (9) will present a number of studies and quantifiable measures to identify the impact of ICTs on climate change. It will highlight indicators that could be used to measure the impact of ICTs on climate change and that are needed to allow policy makers to make informed policy decisions.   


12.30 � 14.30

Lunch break

14.30 � 16.00

Concluding session

In the concluding session, the Chair will present the draft summary and conclusions of the meeting.






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Updated : 2010-12-02