25-29 April
2011, Suva, Fiji
The �Training course on
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) access and use by
households and individuals�, took place from 25-29 April
2011 in Suva, Fiji. The training was organized by the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the Secretariat of the Pacific
Community (SPC). The training was delivered to staff of National
Statistics Offices and other national institutions in charge of the
production of official statistics on the information society from
countries of the Pacific region. This training is part of ITU�s
efforts to assist Member States in the area of ICT measurement and
is based on the ITU �Manual for Measuring ICT Access and Use by
Households and Individuals�, which was published at the end of
February 2009.
The training was supported by the
Canadian voluntary contribution to the ITU in support for the
activities of the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development in
developing countries. In addition, the ICB4PAC project executed by
the ITU and funded by the European Union provided one fellowship
per ACP countries in the Pacific. This project aims at building
human and institutional capacity in the field of ICT through a range
of targeted training, education and knowledge sharing measures. For
more information on the ICB4PAC project see: