Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,
7-9 March 2007
The Joint ECA-ITU-UNCTAD Regional
Workshop on Information Society Measurements in Africa was organized
as part of the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development project and
benefited from the experiences of ECA�s ICT Measurement project (Scan-ICT).
The main objective of the workshop was to take stock and to advance the
availability of comparable data on ICT access to, and use of ICTs in
household, and by individuals and businesses in the African region. The
event allowed representatives of NSOs, as well as representatives from
regulatory agencies who are producers and/or users of ICT statistics, to
discuss the need for comparable data on Information Society
developments, and share best practices in ICT measurement at the
regional level. The meeting also addressed capacity building and
technical assistance requirements.
Documents (pdf
format) 1.
Workshop objectives -
English 2. ICT Indicators Status in Zimbabwe -
English 3. Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development: Core
ICT indicators, results and link to WSIS outcome -
English 4. ITU work on ICT measurement -
English 5. UNCTAD's work on ICT measurement -
English 6. ESCWA's work on ICT measurement -
English 7. ECA's work on ICT measurement: The Scan-ICT
process -
English 8. African Research Network (ARN) programme on
Information Society indicators: preliminary results -
English 9. Partnership core list of indicators on access to
and use of ICT by households and individuals -
English 10. ICT household statistics - Country presentation:
Rwanda -
English 11. ICT household statistics - Country presentation:
Ghana -
English 12. ICT household statistics - Country
presentation: Morocco -
English -
French 13. ICT household statistics - Country
presentation: Gambia -
English 14. Core indicators, definitions, model questions -
English 15. ICT business indicators - Country presentation:
Cameroon -
French 16. ICT business indicators - Country presentation:
Morocco -
English - French 17. Core indicators, definitions, model
questions - English 18. ICT sector and ICT trade - Country
presentation: Mauritius - English 19. ICT sector and ICT trade -
Country presentation: Gambia - English 20. Developing
e-government indicators - English 21. Terms of Reference of the
Task Group & Preliminary compilation of e-Government indicators -
English 22. Mechanisms for integrating ICT measurement into
national statistical systems - English 23. Roundtable discussion
on capacity building needs and technical assistance - English 24.
Conclusions and recommendations - English