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ITU Workshop on Origin identification and alternative calling procedures



Geneva, Switzerland, 19-20 March 2012

The workshop will cover alternative calling procedures (including call-back, refile, and �IP telephony�) and telecommunication origin identification (including numbering misuse/misappropriation).







Day 1 - Monday, 19 March 2012


08.30 � 09.30

Delegate registration


09.30 � 09.45

Opening Ceremony

Introduction by the Chairman of the workshop, Ms Marie-Th�r�se, Alajouainne, Chairman of

ITU-T Study Group 2

Opening Address by Mr Yury Grin, BDT Deputy Director and Mr Reinhard Scholl, TSB Deputy



09.45 � 10.45

Session 1: Alternative calling procedures in general

� Overview of the topic: what is it about, what is the history

� Overview of current practice: what is currently done and what are the issues


Presentation by John Alden, Freedom Technologies

[Abstract - Presentation]


10.45 � 11.00     Coffee break 


11.00 � 12.30

Session 2:  �IP telephony� and ENUM

� Overview of the topic: what is it about

� Overview of current practice: what is currently done and what are the issues


Presentation by Steven Lind, AT&T

[Abstract - Presentation]


12.30 � 14.00      Lunch


14.00 -15.30

Session 3: �IP telephony� � Specific experiences

� AT&T (Steven Lind) [Abstract - Presentation]

� Voxbone (Anne-Valerie Heuschen) [Abstract - Presentation]

� Ghana (Kwame Baah-Achemfour, NCA) [Abstract - Presentation]

� Tanzania (Roy Christopher) [Abstract - Presentation]


15.30 � 15.45     Coffee break 


15.45 � 17.00

Session 4: Telecommunication origin identification

� Overview of the topic: what is it about

� Overview of current practice: what is currently done and what are the issues


Presentation by Jie Zhang, China Academy of Telecommunications

[Abstract - Presentation]


Presentation by Dr. Sherif Guinena, Technical and Regulatory Affairs, NTRA, EGYPT

[Abstract - Presentation]

Day 2 - Tuesday 20 March 2012


09.30 � 10.45

Session 5:  Numbering misuse


� Overview of the topic: what is it about

� Overview of current practice: what is currently done and what are the issues


Presentation by David Maxwell, GSM

[Abstract - Presentation]


Presentation by Phil Rushton, BT

[Abstract - Presentation]


10.45 � 11.00      Coffee break


11.00 12.30

Session 6:  Overall discussion and concluding remarks


� What are the current issues?

� What are possible solutions?

� What are the next steps to take?

Alternative Calling Procedures: Background and Trends

prepared by Mr John Alden








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Updated : 2012-04-02