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ITU Workshop on Apportionment of Revenues and
International Internet Connectivity


ITU Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland

Room H (Montbrillant Building) 23-24 January 2012


The objective of this workshop is to discuss the apportionment of revenues in providing international telecommunications services, including international Internet connectivity (IIC) and the possible application of the concept of network externalities.




PDF Version of the Programme

Monday, 23 January


08.30 � 09.30

Delegates registration


09.30 � 09.45

Opening Ceremony:

  • Opening Address by Mr Malcolm Johnson, TSB Director and Mr Brahima Sanou, BDT Director

  • Workshop Introduction by the Workshop Chairman -  Mr Kishik Park (ETRI, Korea), Chairman Study Group 3

  • Welcome and overview by the Study Group 3 Chairman of Working Party 1 � Mr Leslie Martinkovics



Session 1: Apportionment of revenues in general

Objective:  This session will focus on Internet Connection in Sub-Saharan countries and provide participants with an overview of current practices applied on the Internet Connectivity between Sub-Sahara African countries and the rest of the world. This presentation corresponds to the results from the ITU/BDT Study on international Internet Connectivity.


09.45 � 10.45


10.45 � 11.00      Coffee break 



Session 2: International Internet Connectivity (IIC) � Introduction

Objective:  This session is an overview of WSIS IIC related issues and discussion of the work of

ITU-T Study Group 3 on IIC.  Case-studies from the different regions of the world will be presented on International Internet connectivity factors in developing countries related to economic, regulatory and infrastructure issues will be discussed.


11.00 � 12.00


12.00 � 12.30


12.30 � 14.00       Lunch



Session 3: International Internet Connectivity (IIC) � Economic and technical issues

Objective:  During this session, the results from the Study on international Internet connectivity developed by the ITU/BDT will be presented.  This study deals with the challenges and opportunities of the IIC and the analysis of the penetration of broadband in different parts of the world, with particular focus on Latin America and Sub-Saharan African countries, as specific case studies. 


14.00 � 14.45


14.45 � 15.15


15.15 � 15.30      Coffee break 


15.30 � 16.00



Session 4: International Internet Connectivity (IIC) - Individual country and organization experiences

Objective:  during this session a series of presentations from countries will show their experience on international Internet connectivity.


16.00 � 16.20


16.20 � 16.40


16.40 � 17.00

Wrap up  Day 1

Tuesday, 24 January



Session 4: International Internet Connectivity (IIC) - Individual country and organization experiences - continued


09.30 - 09.45


09.45 � 10.00


10.00 � 10.15


10.15 - 10.30


10.30  � 10.45      Coffee break 


10.45 � 12.30

Panel discussion with the participation of Policy-Makers, Regulators, Associations and all ICT Stakeholders regarding International Internet Connectivity (IIC)

Moderator: Carmen Prado-Wagner, ITU/BDT

Objective:  The objective of this session is to have the opportunity to discuss with the Speakers of session 4 on the individual country experiences, to identify best practices in order to foster the deployment of broadband and bring the benefits of broadband services and applications to all, as well as to discuss the potential solutions to reduce the gap between developed and developing countries regarding the IIC in a broadband environment.

  • What are the current issues? How to obtain an appropriate balance?

  • What are possible solutions?  What are the best practices?

  • What is the role of regulators? What are the next steps to take?


12.30 � 14.00         Lunch



Session 5: Network Externalities (NE) � Introduction

Objective:  This session will provide participants with an overview of the Network Externalities (NE) concept, the positive and negative effects of NE, the convergence of telecommunication services, the economic impact and the mechanisms to harmonize NE world-wide, as well as the development of Annex 1 to Recommendation D.156 on Network Externalities.


14.00 � 14.45



Session 6: Network Externalities - Specific experiences of individual countries and organizations

Objective:  during this session a series of presentations from countries will illustrate the experiences on Network Externalities in different countries also from the point of view of operators. Focus on the situation of the application of NE in developed and developing countries.


14.45 � 15.00

  • C�te d�Ivoire - Josephine Adou, Agence des T�l�communications de C�te d'Ivoire (ATCI) [Presentation (English - French)]


15.00 � 15.15


15.15 � 15.30        Coffee break


15.30 � 16.00


16.00 � 16.45

Panel discussion with the participation of Policy-Makers, Regulators, Associations and all ICT Stakeholders regarding Network Externalities

Moderator: Richard Hill, ITU/TSB

Objective:  the objective of this session is to have the opportunity to discuss with the Speakers of session 6 on the practices presented by countries, to determine the current situation, identify best practices, positive and negative effects of NE and the next steps to take.

  • What are the current issues?

  • What are possible solutions? 

  • What are the next steps to take?


16.45 � 17.00

Overall discussion and concluding remarks



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