Event Description Changing
technologies are having a profound effect on the structure of the
telecommunication and information and communication technology (ICT)
sector. Pricing and cost modeling practices are central to the
regulator’s role in fostering a fair, competitive and healthy
telecommunication and ICT sector that ensures affordable access to
ICTs and promotes investment incentives for all market players.
Striking the right balance requires regulators to fully understand
and analyze in detail the advantages and disadvantages of different
cost models, including their implications for the calculation of
cost-based tariffs for regulated retail and wholesale services and
the challenges of data collection. In addition, because of rapid
technological development, it is necessary to provide technical
staff with sufficient cost modeling tools and knowledge to enable
them to understand how to develop their own cost models or to adapt
existing cost models to the changing environment. These key costing
issues are among a range of operational issues has been addressed
during this two-week Expert-Level Training for national regulatory
authorities on cost model development.
This training organized in coordination with the
Economics University of Vienna (Wirtschaftsuniversit�t
Wien), took into consideration a step-by-step approach to cost
modeling development and offered a series of practical exercises.
For more information on this training please
the Regulatory & Market Environment Division (RME).
In order to follow up to the recent "ITU Expert-Level Training for
National Regulatory Authorities on cost model development", ITU has
created a dedicated virtual exchange forum. This forum is intended to allow
all participants to benefit from the expertise of the two trainers,
Dr. Roland Belfin and Prof. Heinrich Otruba. It will also facilitate
interactions between regulators from different countries on topics
related to costing of telecom/ICT services. To go to the forum
please go to
GREX Virtual Tool for Regulators (http://1f8a81b9b0707b63-19211.webchannel-proxy.scarabresearch.com/ITU-D/grex/)
or contact the