Committee 1 - Steering
Committee This committee is made up of the chairman and vice-chairmen of the Conference,
together with the chairmen and vice-chairmen of the committees and the Working
Group of the Plenary.
Terms of reference:
To coordinate all matters connected with the smooth execution of work
and to plan the order and number of meetings, avoiding overlap wherever
possible in view of the limited membership of some delegations.
Committee 2 -
Budget Control Committee
Terms of reference:
To appraise the organization and the facilities available to the
delegates, examine and approve the accounts for expenditure incurred
throughout the duration of the conference and present to the plenary
meeting a report on the estimated total expenditure of the conference,
together with an estimate of the costs involved in implementing its
Committee 3 -
Programmes and activities
Terms of reference:
Work topics for BDT programmes and global activities. On the basis of
the contributions to the work of the conference, the task of this
committee is to identify the questions, topics and other priority
subjects whose discussion should result in the elaboration of programmes
of thematic activities of global scope for BDT.
Committee 4 -
Working methods, regional initiatives and field operations
Terms of reference:
Work topics for regional projects and action lines for BDT.On the basis of
the contributions to the work of the conference, the task of this
committee is to examine regional development initiatives with a view to
elaborating, for BDT, regional action lines to support the
implementation of those initiatives, as well as ITU-D's working methods,
particularly in regard to the organization of and procedures associated
with meetings of the Telecommunication Development Advisory Group and
study groups, in the interests of optimizing and enhancing their
effectiveness and efficiency during the forthcoming cycle.
Committee 5 -
Editorial Committee
Terms of reference:
To harmonize the texts relating to any conclusions of the conference as
defined in Article 22 of the ITU Constitution, such as resolutions,
decisions, recommendations or reports, without altering the sense, with
a view to their submission to the plenary meeting.
Working Group of
the Plenary (WG-PL1)
Terms of reference:
The task of this group is to examine contributions relating to the
evolution of the telecommunication environment, development strategies
identified at the regional level and any other matter of a strategic
nature, including matters relating to general policy and cooperation
among Member States and Sector Members. It is also entrusted with the
task of drawing up a draft Declaration and also a draft strategic plan
for ITU-D, which will go into the ITU strategic plan to be adopted by
the next plenipotentiary conference. |