Regional preparations for world telecommunication
development conferences
The world Telecommunication Developement conference
- that many regional telecommunication organizations have coordinated
their preparations for this conference;
- that many common proposals have been submitted to this conference
from administrations participating in the preparations of regional
telecommunication organizations;
- that this consolidation of views at regional level, together with
the opportunity for interregional discussions prior to the conference,
has eased the task of reaching a consensus during the conference;
- that the burden of preparation for future conferences is likely to
- that there is consequently great benefit to the Member States of
coordination of preparations at regional level;
- that the success of future conferences will depend on greater
efficiency of regional coordination and interaction at interregional
level prior to such conferences;
- that some regional organizations lack the necessary resources to
adequately organize and to participate in such preparations;
- that there is a need for overall coordination of the interregional
the benefits of regional coordination as already experienced in the
preparation of world radiocommunication conferences,
recognizing further
Recommendation 20 of the Working Group on ITU Reform recommending that
the Plenipotentiary Conference (Marrakesh, 2002) should adopt a resolution
on the importance of interregional consultative meetings instructing the
Secretary-General to organize such meetings,
taking into account
a) the benefits that a World Telecommunication Development Conference
(WTDC) could gain in efficiency from an increased amount and level of
preparation of the Member States prior to the conference;
b) Resolution 103 (Minneapolis, 1998) on the gradual lifting of interim
limitations on the use of official and working languages of the Union,
a) that many regional telecommunication organizations have expressed the
need for the Union to cooperate more closely with regional telecommunication
b) that, consequently, the Plenipotentiary Conference (Minneapolis, 1998)
resolved that the Union should develop stronger relations with regional
telecommunication organizations,
further noting
that relations between ITU regional offices and regional
telecommunication organizations have proved to be of great benefit,
resolves to instruct the Director of the Telecommunication
Development Bureau (BDT)
to organize, within the financial limitations established by the
Plenipotentiary Conference, one regional preparatory meeting per region, the
closest in time possible to the next WTDC, followed by an informal meeting
of the chairmen and vice-chairmen of the regional preparatory meetings and
other interested parties to be held not earlier than six months to WTDC,
requests the Secretary-General, in cooperation with the Director
of BDT
1 to consult with Member States and regional and subregional
telecommunication organizations on the means by which assistance can be
provided in support of their preparations for future WTDCs;
2 to, on the basis of such consultations, assist Member States and
regional and subregional telecommunication organizations in such areas as:
i) organization of informal and formal regional and interregional
preparatory meetings;
ii) organization of information sessions;
iii) development of coordination methods;
iv) identification of major issues to be resolved by the future WTDC;
3 to submit to the next WTDC a report on the application of this
invites Member States
to participate actively in the implementation of this resolution. |