In January the temperature in Damascus varies from 10 to
Syria electrical
standard is 220 volts/50 cycles connected via a 2-pin
European plug. As elsewhere in the region, British 3-pin and
north American flat 2-pin plugs will require an adapter.
 Banking and currency
Currency exchange facilities are available at the
international terminal of Damascus airport; hotels also
provide currency exchange services. The exchange rate
fluctuates; at present it is approximately 1 Euro = 67SL (approx)
and 1 US$= 45 SL (approx). (December 2009). For updates on
currency exchange rates, you may consult several currency
converter websites including this one.
Travel Insurance
Participants are reminded that it is advisable to obtain
travel insurance. Such insurance should cover payment for
your medical care in the case of hospitalization as well as
the cost of repatriation to your home country if that should
become necessary. However ITU is unable to bear the cost of
insurance for participants, any medical expenses or any
other expenses.