Every foreign national entering Uganda
must be in possession of a valid passport.
COMESA countries are exempt from visa
requirements into Uganda. These are: Burundi, Comores, D.R.
Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Libya,
Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Rwanda, Seychelles, Sudan,
Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
Your passport must be valid past the
date of your expected departure from Uganda. You must have:
- An International Vaccination
Certificate against Cholera (recommended, not required).
- An International Inoculation
Certificate against Yellow Fever.
- Submit your passport and two (2)
passport-size photographs
In exceptional circumstances,
including participants of those countries who do not have a
Ugandan embassy or consulate, arrangements may be made to
ensure that visas and entry permits are delivered at
relevant points of entry in Uganda.
For special assistance with regard to
visas, please contact UCC at ucc@ucc.co.ug
Further information on visa requirements are available from
the official website of Uganda at
http://www.mofa.go.ug/ |