ITU and OECD in partnership with GeSI held a side-event on “Information
and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and Climate Change” where top
decision-makers from governments, international organisations and industry shared their views and solutions on how ICTs can help to address climate change.
The side event provided information on how developed and developing countries can use ICTs to effectively combat global
warming and how the innovative use of ICTs and the Internet could reduce
potential CO2 emissions by 15% in 2020, for example by replacing travel through
the use of teleconferencing, replacing atoms with bits (electronic publications
of documents, books, DVDs), smart buildings and electricity grids, intelligent
transport systems, etc.
Leaflets and information material will be available.
Mr. Malcolm Johnson, Director, Telecommunication
Standardization Bureau, ITU (Speech)
Opening Remarks
Mr. Graham Vickery, Head of the Information Economy Group, OECD
Mr. Luis Neves, Chairman, Global e-Sustainability Initiative
Panel Discussion
Moderator: Mr. Toby Johnson, Senior
Communications Officer, ITU
Mr. Daniel Torres, Sustainable
development advisor to Secretary of State Francisco Ros
Per�n, Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade;
Director, National Observatory for Telecommunications
and the Information Society (Spain)
Mr. Atsushi Taketani, Director,
Commerce and Information Policy Bureau, Ministry of
Economy, Trade and Industry (Japan) (Presentation)
H.E. Mr. Mauricio Montalvo,
Ambassador, Permanent Mission of Ecuador to the United
Nations Office at Geneva
Mr. Enrique Ramos, Deputy Vice
President, Metering solutions, Abengoa-Telvent
Mr. Yoh Somemura, Senior Research
Engineer, NTT Energy and Environment Systems
Mr. David Eurin, Head of Energy
Consulting, Analysys Mason
Ms. Monique Meche, Director,
Environment Policy and Sustainability, Cisco
Mr. Kevin Grose, Coordinator,
Information Services Climate Change Secretariat, UNFCCC
Concluding Remarks
Mr. Graham Vickery, Head of the Information Economy Group, OECD
Mr. Luis Neves, Chairman, Global e-Sustainability Initiative
Mr. Malcolm Johnson, Director,
Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, ITU