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ITU 150

ICT Cooperation and partnership-TRA-UAE

Project No 9RAB15024
Title ICT Cooperation and partnership-TRA-UAE
Description The key outcome of this partnership is to implement projects that aim to strengthen ITU member countries capabilities and to enhance public-private partnership to foster the development of telecommunications/ICTs. ITU will enter into agreement(s) with any LDC of the Arab Region identified in a project document as a beneficiary country, for implementing the corresponding project in that country.
Area of Action Least Developed Countries & SIDS
Status Implemented
Time Frame From 3/11/2015 To 31/12/2020
Related ITU Webpages
Beneficiary Countries Comoros (Union of the), Djibouti, Mauritania, State of Palestine, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen
Implementing Agency ITU
Financial Scale (CHF) 100'000 - 500'000
Achievements It should be noted it is not a project, but, a partnership agreement, Project 9RAB15024-1 was implemented under this agreement, and the following results were achieved: 1) Two (2) face-to-face training activities were provided; 2) 31 Professionals in IPv6 from Arab LDCs and Palestine trained; 3) 20 Professionals in IPv6 from Arab LDCs and Palestine become certified in IPv6 certificate level 1 and level 2 (IPv6 security); 

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