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ITU 150

Phase II Connect A School, Connect A Community Toolkit

Project No 9RAB09018
Title Phase II Connect A School, Connect A Community Toolkit
Description This project aims at promoting broadband school connectivity so that schools can be used as community ICT centres that ensure ICT access and use by all people, including those in rural areas, marginal urban areas and isolated areas, with a particular focus on disadvantaged and vulnerable groups such as women and girls, indigenous people, persons with disabilities and youth and children, by identifying best practices on school connectivity related to technology options for connecting schools, running school-based ICT centres and equipping schools with assistive technology for persons with disabilities through the development of an Online Toolkit Platform, Modules and training for ICT and education policy makers and regulators.
Area of Action Technology & Network Development
Capacity Building
Status Implemented
Time Frame From 22/10/2009 To 31/12/2013
Related ITU Webpages
Beneficiary Countries Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros (Union of the), Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, State of Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Implementing Agency ITU
Cooperation Agency MoCIT- Saudi Arabia
Project Document  Open Document
Financial Scale (CHF) 100'000 - 500'000

The project objective was to promote broadband school connectivity so that schools can be used as community ICT centres and be available to all people, including those in rural areas, marginal urban areas and isolated areas, with a particular focus on disadvantaged and vulnerable groups such as women, girls, indigenous people, persons with disabilities, youth and children, through the development of online Modules.

Initially the project document for the development of 3 modules, but 5 modules were developed:
 • Module 1- Policies and Regulation  to Promote School Connectivity.
 • Module 2- Disseminating Low Cost Computing Devices in Schools.
 • Module 3- Providing ICTs to Indigenous Peoples.
 • Module 4- Using ICTs to promote education and job training for persons with disabilities.
 • Module 5- Community ICT Centres for the Social and Economic Empowerment of Women.

For more detail info: (Connect a School, Connect a Community toolkit)

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