The meeting will present the future and
past activities in Africa in the field of Information
ethics. The presentations will cover:
First Africa Conference on IE
(Pretoria 2007)
frica Reader on IE
High-level workshop on Ethics and
e-government (under the auspices of UNESCO)
Second Africa Conference on IE,
University of Gaborone, Botswana, 6-7 September 2010
IFAP priorities for info-ethics
Moderator: Mr Boyan Radoykov,
Chief of Section, Universal Access and Preservation,
Information Society Division
Mr Rafael Capurro,
Distinguished Researcher in Information Ethics, School
of Information Studies, University of
Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA
Mr Evgeny Kuzmin, President,
UNESCO Information for All Programme (IFAP) Council
*English & French interpretation will be
made available.