Meeting: WSIS Action Line C7 (e-Learning)
20 May 2009, 14:30 -
ITU Headquarters, Room B1
Mobile Learning : Effective Learning on
Portable devices.
While the mobile phone is the most
widely distributed information device
available to citizens around the world,
challenges remain: technical (e.g screen
and key size, multiple standards),
socio-economic (e.g. privacy, cost
barriers) and educational (e.g.
m-learning theory, repurposing
e-learning materials).
The e-learning Action Line meeting will
build on the prior discussion of the
High-Level Panel with a particular focus
on mobile or m-learning. It will also be
a continuation of the 2008 low-cost ICT
devices session.
Many educational mobile learning uses
have been explored: from low-cost mass
learning opportunities through SMS, to
edutainment, to data gathering (surveys,
exams, questionnaires) to administrative
and learning support, with very
different mobile devices.
The session will combine a mix of
presentation and discussion in the usual
multistakeholder and open setting.
UNESCO�s contact for this session is
C�dric Wachholz (wsis@unesco.org).
To follow the meeting
through the web-cast,
please click here!