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ITU experts explore ways forward in dynamic spectrum usage
Spectrum management collaborative discussions on best practices for the use
of White Spaces by Cognitive Radio Systems (CRS)
Geneva, 24 January 2014 – Key industry players, regulators,
operators, manufacturers and research institutions gathered in Geneva at an ITU
Workshop on White Spaces and Cognitive Radio Systems (CRS).
‘White Spaces’ refer to radiofrequencies which may be used at given times and
locations without causing harmful interference to, or claiming protection from,
incumbent radio services. CRS refer to a radio system capable of obtaining
knowledge on its environment and dynamically adjusting its operational
parameters accordingly in order to operate without causing harmful interference.
ITU provides a unique forum for collaborative discussions on the technical,
operational, economical and regulatory aspects of spectrum management between
all stakeholders.
Discussions during the workshop centred on international and national
regulations and best practices for the use of White Spaces by cognitive radio
systems. The ITU World Radiocommunication Conference 2012 (WRC-12)
concluded that the current international regulatory framework can accommodate
cognitive radio systems, without being changed. The development of these
systems, such as TV white spaces, is therefore in essence in the hands of
national regulators in each country. Regulators will depend on best practices,
which are currently being studied by
Radiocommunication Study Groups 1, 5 and 6. ITU fully supports the use of
spectrum through sharing arrangements with existing services to promote more
efficient use of spectrum while protecting other services, hence providing
long-term assurance for investments in radiocommunication systems.
ITU-R Study Group 1 (responsible for Spectrum Management studies) is expected
to provide a Report on best practices in Spectrum management for cognitive radio
systems by mid-2014. Discussions in the Workshop highlighted the need for these
best practices to address the coordination of geo-location databases in border
areas; the co-existence between licensed and unlicensed uses in the same
spectrum; equipment type approval and market surveillance; and the means of
monitoring and resolving cases of harmful interference that may arise from
unlicensed uses of spectrum into licensed ones.
“The global management of spectrum, in an impartial manner, remains one of
the critical functions of ITU,” said ITU Secretary-General Hamadoun I. Touré.
“ITU Member States have entrusted us with this mandate which will become even
more significant as we prepare for an exponential growth in data and connected
devices. ITU will continue to work with all members and stakeholders to ensure
an equitable and effective management of this precious global resource.”
Several workshops on this issue will be organized by ITU to promote
collaborative and open discussions in the coming months.
“This workshop and future discussions on this issue in ITU will help in
achieving a better understanding of what is to be expected for cognitive
systems, such as those using TV white spaces and assist ITU in studying and
promoting best practices in this regard and enable cognitive radio systems to
develop in a sustainable way, in harmony with other systems using the same
spectrum,” said Mr François Rancy, Director of ITU’s Radiocommunication Bureau.
“ITU continues its unique role through dialogue between industry players and
member administrations to create an enabling environment for telecommunications
broadband access through more efficient spectrum usage,” said Mr Sergey Pastukh,
Chairman, ITU-R Study Group 1.
Proceedings, webcast, and other pertinent references of this workshop are
available at:
For more information, please
Sanjay Acharya
Chief, Media Relations and Public Information
Grace Petrin
Communication Officer, Radiocommunication Bureau
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