Work item:
Framework and Requirements of Next Generation Network evolution to support cross-region computing resource connection "
Under study [Issued from previous study period]
Approval process:
Type of work item:
Equivalent number:
2026-Q4 (Medium priority)
Supporting members:
MIIT China, Brazil, Zambia, Nigerian, Tunisie Telecom, Huawei Technologies Düsseldorf GmbH, China Telecom, China Unicom, ZTE, CCIT, China Mobile
As the digital transformation in various industries deepens, the demand for computing resource is growing. Computing resource has become a key element to support the development of new business forms, especially in fields such as online gaming, video streaming, industrial internet and smart cities. The rapid development of the digital economy requires strong cloud computing service and both network and computing resource support. The cross-region connection of computing resource can provide an useful infrastructure for emerging digital applications and varies services. Currently, the difficulty to share computing resources via different NGNe providers limits the ability of service providers to offer more efficient and flexible applicable services. It decreases the capability of quick adjustment and allocation of computing service and resources according to some user’s needs, leading to an unbalanced distribution of computing resources in some areas and causing resource waste. In some applicable scenarios which require intensive computation, a single computing resource provider may not be able to meet market demands. Especially, when some applications relay on different access networks which belong to different operators, it may be beneficial to achieve interconnection of computing resources across different networks providers' domains.
ITU-T Y.2301 specifies the requirements and capabilities for Network Intelligence Capability Enhancement (NICE), which provides services according to the demands of users and application providers. However, with the continuous expansion of computing resource demands, the islanding of computing resources limits the flexibility and scalability of some applicable cloud computing services, making it difficult to achieve high utilization rate of computing resource in different areas. The trusted NGNe providers (which may have contract for partnership or cooperation) can interconnect with each other by exchanging information such as idle resource volume, the location of resource pools, the type of computing resource to each other. NGNe providers merely access their trusted partner’s resource information via information exchange and do not gain any type of control over the networks or different computing resource nodes.
In addition, some applicable services for subscribed users could gain benefit by this recommendation. Therefore, the interconnection of cross-region computing resources by NGNe providers is useful for improving resource utilization, reducing costs and enhancing service capabilities. To achieve this target, the capabilities associated with NGNe need to be enhanced by this draft recommendation.
Historic references:
ITU-T A.5 justification(s): |
First registration in the WP:
2024-08-16 15:56:24
Last update:
2025-02-11 16:46:07