ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Question 3

Coordination of optical transport network standards

(Continuation of Question 3/15)

The continued evolution of transport networks and the services they support such as, the Internet, smartphones phones targeting Gbps end-user throughput, datacentre-based enterprise services, and higher definition video, have resulted in drastic changes in the demands placed on transport networks. In addition transport networks and technologies need to continuously reduce network cost (including energy consumption) without causing a significant impact on the current operational experience including tolerance and resilience against serious disasters. As a result of this changing environment technologies such as packet as well as new technologies for circuit switched networks such as the OTN extension for an ultrahigh-speed ultrahigh-capacity transport networks. These technologies must provide a converged transport network including a packet-based timing distribution function and geo-location function.

This rapidly evolving situation led us to recognise that without strong coordination efforts there is the danger of duplication of work, gaps in the work program as well as the development of incompatible and non-interoperable standards. It also mandates us to:
A coordination and communication activity among the involved Questions is required in order to facilitate the most efficient completion of the work. This activity includes the identification of missing work areas and those that are overlapping, or potentially so, between multiple Questions or other standards groups. In case of a new work area, clarification of general requirements and framework by this Question would facilitate the work on specific aspects by relevant Questions. It includes encouraging the relevant work items in the most appropriate Questions, helping to define a suitable time schedule, and monitoring its development in a consistent way. 

In addition, some general aspects such as terminology, reliability and availability, need to be captured.

A communications, publicity, and promotion activity is also important to support the adoption of ITU-T Recommendations throughout the industry. External communications activities should aid in the consistency of Recommendations and other standards related to optical and packet-based transport technologies across the industry.

The following major Recommendations, in force at the time of approval of this Question, fall under its responsibility: G.780/Y.1351, G.870/Y.1352, G.8081/Y.1353, G.8001/Y.1354, G.8101/Y.1355.

The Optical Transport Networks & Technologies Standardization Work Plan (OTNT SWP) is also maintained by this Question.

What enhancements to OTNT SWP or what new Recommendation(s) or mechanisms are necessary to capture, within this framework, new or evolving aspects of optical transport networks, their general terminology, and reliability/availability characteristics?

What form of communication or publicity is necessary to enhance the use of and alignment with ITU-T standards in the area of optical and packet-based transport networks and technologies?

What coordination is needed to provide energy savings directly or indirectly in Information and Communication Technology (ICTs) or in other industries?

Study items to be considered include, but are not limited to:
Coordination of work in the following areas:

Tasks include, but are not limited to:
NOTE − An up-to-date status of work under this Question is contained in the SG15


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